Part VI

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Please read the a/n note at the end
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He asked do you like it I renovate it every year and some how I had a feeling that you would not like those pink and glittery stuff. I said "don't worry I absolutely love the room thank you for arranging these for me "I said genuinely smiling after a long time, he said "you rest I will call you for dinner "

    I nodded and he left I lock the door and check for any camera as I found none I started  unpacking, firstly I put my electronics on charging ,and secured my weapons in a secret cabinet ,then I started unpacking my clothes ,after that I lie on the bed and called Spencer as soon as you pick the call all three of them pop down on the screen and starteled me with questions like
"are you okay", "did they treat you well ","how many kills do I have to do "and so on ,one expected question was which no one but me expected was from Lily "are they hot", she giggled while asking both the boys glared at her while growling.

   I smirk saying "like you already have not research about them" she smirked back saying "obviously done they are the Italian mafia second position to our Mafia the third one almost on the same position as there" "ok and to answer your questions I continued to answer the questions, I am okay yes ,no one can disrespect me so that is not a question ,and no Spencer you don't need to do any kills now" I said my laughing like this we continue talking for about one and half hour .

  then we bid our goodbyes before Spencer saying "be safe and where shifting everything and we will be there in about 3 days I nod it at him and hanged up , I went to get a shower seeing the bathroom only one word came to my mind wow i  blasted the music cheap thrills and started bathing after half an hour I got dressed .

  After about 15 minutes there was a  knock at my door I responded come in Ace peep from the door and said" dinner is ready let's go" I nod at him, we went out and he got a call he said to me to wait I assured him to go and I will find my way he seemed resistant at first but reluctantly nod and went to the dining room as i remember the way all thanks to the great photographic memory  .

    All the chartering settle down and there was at a silence in the room I went and sat in between of Alexander and matio soon the maid brought the food I smile and said thank you they look taken aback but smile back oh so the never express gratitude and call themselves Mafia ,i scoffed internally chattering resumed but I started at my plate having a few bites I raised my head and said after dinner can someone give me a tour, Liam said bouncing I will I will do,  I nod at him and everyone started eating and I was done I took a few bites  and I was done it was my habit many times I would not eat for 3 days straight so I don't have a great appetite, suddenly the talks slow down I looked up and saw everyone looking at me and mother asked" what happened babina why are you not eating if you don't like it we can make what you like"

   I reply "no thank you actually I don' quite have a good appetite, and heard Alex mutter, such as" spoiled Brat" ....................ok!!!! Enough is Enough I asked him staring dead in his eyes "what is the problem with you "he glared at me before saying "no need to act like that , you just came here for money and why did you even came here at first place, you would have been enjoying your life being a bitch and must have got over loved by your friends why would you care about us and why now "this broke the string of my patience, I actually banged on the table, all were taken a back I chuckled darkly and saw everyone shivering but that was not my concern at the point of time.

       I said" The fuck do you think my life was all fairy tales ,sorry to break your lovely dreams, I had a childhood which I will not pray even for me enemies ".everyone look that me in confusion and I realised that in anger I almost said  my truth which I didn't trust anybody in this family with.

     Father look like he wanted to ask something but seeing my deadly aura everyone shrinked back I took my plate wash it in the sink and got back to my room while heading back, I heard everyone shouting on Alex ,'deserving bastard' I went to my room and called one person that could obviously calm me down ,Nicholas I called him as he pick the call seeing my situation he understood everything he spoke in a soft tone" what happened "I just shake my head "nothing some bastard commented, nothing much how is everything going have your things being shifted" ," yes everything is in process" he replied, just then Lily shouted from the back,"come here son of bitch get here "I look that Nicholas who seems to be a tensed, I asked" what did you do" he told sheepisly" I may or may not have stolen her gummies

   "I guess everyone near her knows how much she loves her gummies  if you want someone dead let them steel her gummies and he will see the hell of her ,not joking truly and just then Lily saw me on the phone and said "hya" , I waved my hand and started listening to the two bickering childs in front of me one thing that Alex said was true I got really lovely friends ,I smile seeing them after a few minutes the call got disconnected ,I slide and lean back on the bed and started thinking how my life took a complete 360 degree change in the matter of 24 hours who would have thought that those two bastards will die and I will be back with my biologicals

   I am like why can't you fucking be alive till  I turn 18 but no, those has to suck their drugs up their asses and die in an fucking accident,i sighed , never mind thinking this I fell into a sleepless night full of nightmares after ensuring the door is locked not wanting anyone to see me.

Next day ,
    My alarm pleased my ears,' note the sarcasm' I woke up gasping for air as I have experience a terrible nightmare I looked around for my phone and saw the time which showed 4:30,that means i am not getting even a blink of sleep I freshen up and started srolling through my Instagram and thought I must ask someone for a house tour because I will need to sneak out ,after a few hours i saw the time indicating 8 :30 so i went down,as I entered,the chattering stopped,feels like deja vu
I took my seat in between Matteo and Ace opposite of Alex as usual he was his grumpy self,as soon as I saw him i remembered last night but shrugged and thought
'damn who pissed in his cheeros early in the morning '

  I heard stiffled laughs around me,and Alex was now burning with rage,oops "did i said it aloud"Ace replied "yes sista"
I shrugged Mother asked "so how was your sleep baby"
I replied with a small nod"fine", the maids entered with our food,i thanked ,and started to dig in ,they continued to talk about shipments and deals i ignored it,as it is none of my business but when alex started talking my interest perked up he said"Dad i have heard the The Nightangle is here,and as far as I know she will come to fight or race soon ",then he kept his hand on the table and in a dreamy position said "i hope,i will get an opportunity to meet him"ohh someone is a fan of mine not bad,but when he said 'he' i furrowed my eyebrows why the hell does he think that he rather than she fucking sexist.

Father called and said "Ariel tomorrow you will go to shopping with the triplets,Alex and Ace" "why he ","why she" was heard and it is obvious from who father looked at Alex sternly and said"does anyone has any problem"he sighed and denied while grumbling in a low tone "no dad","then it's settled,and also Ariel come to my office after having your breakfast"said father,i nod my head and continued eating ,after that i went to his office and knocked on the door and heard a cold come in as he saw me his gaze softened it somewhat gave a warm felling to my heart,but I pushed it back.

And I think i know what is coming in my way..but as you all know the baddest bitch i am let's see where this conversation goes 'evil wink'😈

Thanku for choosing my story i would really appreciate your comments and don't hesitate in pointing out my mistakes it will make me improve as this is my first story
Thanks to all my lovely readers


Will try to post the next part really soon
Thanks for your patience....

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now