Part 23

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Ariel's POV
I was waiting for them when Nick started saying "A listen once......"I showed him the glare which spoke 'you better shut the fuck up right now' he retreated and kept silent and after about 3 minutes the door opened and one by one all them started coming in, mother was not there and I have not seen her till now since I woke up, seems suspicious, shrugging I kept a stone face and they kept on coming ,' just how many they are ' and finally the one my dear brother who was not so gracefully shouting at spenc came looking nothing but terrified, well he should be as he does not know what he did ,

     I stood up with Lily by my side and Matteo being the caring brother he is said "bambina we can talk whatever you want to no one will interrupt but please take a seat and talk ,you are already wounded it will become worse "I looked at him and said " no need ..."
When Spenc said "no arguments on this A sit down and then talk which I don't want you too "he whispered the last part but due to the silence it was audible to the whole room , I took a seat on the couch and glared at my biologicals ,among them Linda was missing sensing my question Alexander spoke " mom is at home bringing food for all of us as she insisted"I nodded and again focused my gaze on Ace who was the one who spoke or rather blamed on Spencer,he had his head down and was not looking in my eyes,

       I directly started speaking,"so Ace I heard something about what you said to Spencer ,and blamed him ,I guess for nothing because even though you are my family by blood, he is my brother by heart ,if you believe that you have the right to blame him on my behalf ,then dear brother of mine your highly mistaken, cause I have not even given myself that right, he was with me when none of you even knew what was happening with me because you abandoned me like I was not even a child or a sister of yours",

       Spencer held my hand pleading me to calm down as I was breathing heavily but I shrugged off his hand and continued" not only you ,all are partially responsible for this ,as being older it was your responsibility to stop him at the right time ,even spenc  was injured but you all didn't utter a word that automatically means you all agreed with him, if you wanted to abandon me then why the fuck did you take me in now ,do you suddenly feel guilty or pity towards me then don't because I was doing just fine without you, all in my life, I was fine knowing I had noone to call mine until they appear they became my family , supported me throughout and as I always say if you say about them you come directly at me , I am literally fed up of this , I am leaving but before that Ace apologize to spenc and to remind you I don't like to repeat myself,"

      Finally I calmed down ,and there was heavy tension in the room ,Ace was now full fledged crying and it hurt me to see him like this, after all he is my twin, but twin or not no one can disrespect spenc or my friends ,these people are my world and I will die before any harm will reach to them,

      he took shaky steps towards Spencer and said stuttering in the starting ,"I-i am-m s-sorry Spencer I was not in the right state of mind ,I truly apologize, I didn't intend to hurt you with my words I know I was harsh but please forgive me, I got my twin after very long",spenc immediately told" no no it is not needed it is okay and I am also sorry your sisters spoke to you like that because of me" I shot a cold glare towards him , Ace said"no she spoke the right thing I was indeed at fault"

       he turned towards me and said" I am sorry aerial I was not thinking before saying I was just very shaken up seeing you in that condition again and let my anger overtake me but I assure you that I will not let this happen again"

I nodded towards him and started walking outside but was immediately stopped by matteo,"we all have somethings to talk to you Ariel "which I am not interested in "i snapped"but you need to rest Stella and I don't want any arguments on that" he said in a stern voice which I haven't heard till now

I nodded and went towards my room and laid on the bed he came soon and attached the drips on my hand disregarding all my attempts to remove it he said "you will not remove it till this trip is over you need it badly "I asked about my condition and he said I have a few broken ribs a slight fracture on the left leg some bruced arm and back a minor concussion ,
   all in all I had to stay over here for a good amount of time, as far as I know they haven't known about the abuse yet but after listening to ace's outburst I know that they have seen those marks and after all the situation calms down
I have to explain to them , whatever I will certainly not reveal my underground identity or business identity to them but I think if they ask too much I will just..... Ohhh God can't my life go a few days without bringing me trouble,let it be I haven't decided yet let's see what times time hold for me as the medicine starts affecting I felt my eyes droop and sleep overtake me,

Matteo's POV
After all the fiasco over here and updating Ariel on her situation I went to my cabin where all where present they were silent and ace was blankly staring at the wall I sat on my chair I am started thinking what happened in the last days suddenly mama entered with bags in her hand smiling and said where is my baby I want to see her I said mom she is sleeping and a lot of things has happened while you were at home so I think you should take it easy and I updated her on everything that happened in the past few hours she looked at Ace with concern and sighed.

Lily's POV
As soon as the episode was over , Ariel walked out of the room in anger and frustration clear in her voice and gaze Spencer stumbled but was immediately held by Nick who called the doctors who informed us that there is nothing to worry about it was just tiring for him to stand and sedated him to sleep, after ensuring Spencer was okay I and Nick went towards Ariel's room for checking on her and saw her as same as spenc, drips attached to her hand ,it was calm everywhere, but I knew it was the calm before the storm.


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