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Ariel's POV
The periods after also was boring as hell,soon it was break , I was walking  to the cafeteria when I saw one girl being bullied she looked smaller than me,and one thing about me i hate bulies with my gut,and I know how to deal with it ,and when I say ,trust me you will soon find out,4 girls were bullying her when i noticed one was from the morning with a bandage on her nose ,i laughed and went towards them, I kept my hand on her shoulder she step back  and look that me and said "what do you want, listen girl you are new so you don't know anything I am the queen of this school you do not want to get in my bad books"i laughed and said"tsk tsk tsk it's a pity,i am already in the books of the devil or rather topping the list so you don't matter"with that I went towards the girl who was crouching with her back at the locker and have her support to stand up, she looked at me with galssy eyes and I said her,"don't cry this world is not worthy of your precious tears make yourself so strong that everyone's head bow towards you, some will do it for respect and some from fear the choice is theirs" she looked at me with a new motivation in her eyes and thanked me before leaving.

I went towards the cafeteria,as i entered it was pin drop silence,and Ace's voice broke it ,"hey we are here come and sit with us"i wanted to sit alone but guess that's not happening,as I was going I heard gasps ,what is with all this I am literally fed up with all this shit , I went and saw all my cousin and brothers sitting with 3 new faces which i am sure I know from somewhere I am not able to point out, shrugging I sat in between of Ace and Lucas they looked at me shocked and one of them asked who is this she looks so much like Ace ,

Ace said"she is our sister remember we told you all about "they nodded and one of them said "woah she is hot "i am like no shit Sherlock i am and i know it all of my brother's including Alex galred at him when i said,"care for an introduction",when one said ooh yeah "my name is Chandler"second one sitting next to Chandler" said hi beautiful my name is Joey,how you Doin'"I looked at him weirdly, and everybody laughed at my expression, when Leo said" don't mind him he is like that only " i nodded and the one sitting next to  Joey said" hi my name is Ross"he seem silent member of the group,

**Yeah I am a big fan of friends so don't judge me I really wanted to mention them so yeah **

Ok so back to the story,
I nodded my head and we all started eating, when I asked " are you all like popular or something" Alex smirked and said "well maybe,.. these girls cannot resist our charm" I looked at him with a disgusted look and rest laughed, the rest of the day went in a blur and soon it was the end of the school I went in the parking area and saw Ace waiting for me, today I wanted to go to the warehouse to check on the shipments so I asked Ace to go with others ,while I have to catch up with some friends, he nodded and I went to my way,

**Oh did I forgot to mention that she is also the queen of American Mafia and how she became is a story for some other time**

I reached and checked on the shipments but found something strange, a few of my shipments has been stolen and it is in such small quantity that maybe my men have missed it but I do not, I called Dan and asked" did you notice something why the hell are my shipments being stolen "he first looked confused but then saw me looking at the direction and finally understood he is one of my most trusted person and also know some parts of my story he said "sorry Jeffa I will make sure this does not happen again", I nodded and soon it was time to go back, in the way I stopped at Starbucks and bought coffee for everyone, I don't know why but I did, as I went inside Liam was present with Lucas doing god knows what,

as they saw me with the packet the attacked literal attacked me I sighed and gave them the packet as they were shuffling through it I told them to give it to everybody while I go to my room shower and come downstairs for the dinner, when Lucas asked me "why didn't you bring anything to eat" I said "because it is already dinner time" and with that I went to my room and took a long relaxing shower ,dressed in my sweat pants and one of Spencers sweatshirts and went down,

this time I sat between Lucas and Alexander Xander asked me "how was your day" I replied with the simple fine and asking how was his he also replied the same as mine ,and soon the dinner was served I saw some people were missing from the table so ...

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this time I sat between Lucas and Alexander Xander asked me "how was your day" I replied with the simple fine and asking how was his he also replied the same as mine ,and soon the dinner was served I saw some people were missing from the table so I decided to ask Lucas I leaned towards Lucas and asked "where are the others" he said "Alex is god knows where and mom dad are doing some work and will be here by in 5 minutes "I nodded my head in understanding and as he said, in 5 minutes they both came down hand in hand.

thank you

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now