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Ariel's POV
same day
As I head towards my first class I groaned  internally as I realised that my first period  is maths but sighing I and my friends made our way towards the class as soon as I reach towards the door I kicked the door open and soon heard a screeching voice that came from Mrs Bitchney or Britney  I don't correctly remember she said "finally the four devils decided to Grace me with their  presence"I smirked and turned to glare at her which suddenly made her squirm under my gaze and shrink in her seat I smirked in victory  proceeding  to our seat at the back of the classroom yes we have the same schedule all thanks to Lily as  she is the hacker of our group and transform our routine same for all .
The day went by but during the break Lily accidently saw my shoulder covered in bruises and cuts which angered her to the brim , she tells me" why can't we just kill them and get this over with", those cuts where from Chloe which she give me day before yesterday as I came home late due to detention and she said and I quote' why are you 30 minutes late, as I was going to answer a slap came across my face , she slurred as she  was extremely drunk and told you slut you were whoring around huh this is why none of your family wanted you, you whore 'but then you know better than you talk back and then there was  daily dose of punishment' I was brought back for my thoughts when Lily snap a finger in front of my face I told her " don't worry I will have to wait for 2 more years when I will be free then we will give them the pain they would never ever even dream in the dreams" she sighs for the Nth time in the day
just then Spencer and Nicolas came and we were playing around when there was an announcement 'I REQUEST MISS ARIEL HARRISON PLEASE REPORT TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW'
' I REPEAT MISS ARIEL HARRISON REPORT TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE NOW' as soon as the announcement was made Spencer and Nicolas along with Lily look that me as the sheep caught in headlight I innocently looked at them before telling that maybe it was because I beat up that Nick jock but Nicholas told that this can't be the reason as this has happened before I just shrugged and went with those three following behind me as I reach I saw the receptionist Mrs green who I see almost everyday as I am called here frequently I smirked in her way as I kicked the door open to be greeted by Mr Hagrid as I was going I saw two men  sitting there they were tall and intimidating but to me they were not ,I went and sat infront of Harry as I love to call him and put my legs on the table and said "what's up Harry what did I do to owe the pleasure to see you" and from the peripheral vision I saw the three of them entering the cabin I started "it can't be for beating the jocks or  scratching Mrs Bitchney car or pranking the teachers  see they were rude and I didn't started" I ended and Harry look that me with done expression he said" I have a news for you Ariel" and looked at me with pity in his eyes I hate when people look at me with pity or sympathy," no don't look at me with that look" I mentioned towards his eyes He sighs before saying" I am sorry Ariel but Mr and Mrs Harryson has passed away in the car accident yesterday night I am sorry for your loss" I was dancing inside,' I was free but I maintained my cold face and asked "now do I going to the foster care again ,where is the social service agent" To say they were shocked would be an under statement ,clearing his throat he said as his eyes glitterred "no the SSA ran a DNA test in their system and found your biological family you will go with them" .

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🥰❤️❤️~Until next time lovelies ~

Ariel De LucaWhere stories live. Discover now