Part V

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Ariel's POV

When Harry broke the news to say I was shock would be an under statement ,I looked over my shoulder to my friends they just shrugged while Spencer give me a smile indicating to calm down I turned around towards Harry clearing my throat and glaring at him,he shrink under my gaze , I started laughing on his face saying" you are messing with me aren't you Harry"

      He gathered courage and says" no a-aerial your f-father and b-brother is here to t-take y-you with t-them" he stutters, Pathetic. I turned around and saw those two familiar figure one had tears in his eyes while the other locked exact replica of the older ,I assume is my sperm donor .
       I heard harry say "Mr.De Luca the  paper process is over you can proceed", I scoffed and yelled "what the actual Fuck" I saw hurt flashes through their eyes but they covered them within a blink of second. I began staring at them and notice gun prints on their pants, noting it in my head ,I move in front and ask them where are moving,

      The sperm donor replied" honey we are moving to Italy, by the way I am your father Allejandro de luca and this is your brother Alexander".I just nod to them, and thought that I have heard there name somewhere.

    I made my way towards my friend and whispered to them" ship my cars and all automobiles including my weapons to my house in Italy "they just nodded I went out first , they followed me closely but after reaching the parking area I was going towards my bike when whom I assume my eldest brother Alexander spoke "where are you going our car is there"

      I just shrugged not speaking much and went to my bike ,Alexander followed me as soon as his gaze fell on my bike his jaw was already on the floor because this bike are only 4 in the entire world and cause I am the CEO I get one the other three are given to my best friends as a sat on my bike I felt adrenaline rush in my blood I speed out of the parking area

   Soon I saw 2 black SUVs following me this made me question that WHO ARE THEY I reach the house which I would not call home because I found out that those two bastards are not my real parents,they actually treated me like shit so I should know it by now, I wonder why did they abandon me, was it because I was a girl, as I was going inside they parked and came to me ,I told them to wait while I pack my things, Alexander said "I will help you "but I denied not wanting them to know my secret just yet .

    I went to my room more like a closet ,took my duffle bag and packed my clothes I had here and then took my briefcase packing all my weapons carefully ,'what I love my babies ' heading downstairs I found them at the door,Allejandro persisted to take my bags, but I did see the change of expressions as my bags was damn heavy

He carries it to the car ,when Alexander spoke" I will have your bike shipped there"I nodded and sat in the car, sad beside me and Alexander star set in the front I took my airports out and last music in it I could feel their gave on me but I did to speech as I had no energy to have a conversation with them I don't know when I fell I sleep and spoken up by Alexander by shaking my body f*** my instance and reflex I punished him square on the face he grown I stood up and glad at him while saying don't touch me they just shrug and went in the airport and went towards the private jet area seeing their Jet I was shocked but obviously didn't show that the jet was pure black and white I took the father's seed and sad down to my iPad and started answering the emails for my legal business after sometime, I close my eyes and thought how my life has changed in a matter of one day although I wanted to kill those sick  bastards with my own hands but maybe it was not in fate I acted like I was sleeping when I heard them talk in Italian ,
Alexander started speaking
"papà non è come pensavamo, ha un'aura diversa intorno a lei che mi sta facendo impazzire"
   ( dad she is not like what we thought,she has a different aura around her which is creppping me out.)
Father said lo so figliolo lo so
(I know son i know)
tra l'altro cosa è successo alle spedizioni che dovrebbero arrivare ieri
(by the way what happened to the shipments that where suppose to arrive yesterday)
non ho nessun aggiornamento in merito papà lascia andare e vediamo per ora rilassati e sto solo pensando a quale sarà la reazione degli altri
(i don't have any update on it dad lets go and see for now relax and i am just thinking what will others reaction be)
My eyes were drooping and i fell asleep with two thoughts running in my mind what shipments were they talking about and who are these others but i fell asleep, I was woken up when I felt two arms taking me I was going to attack but  i  saw opening my little bit of eyes that Alexander carried me to the car I mean why not a free ride anyways I was tired I fell asleep snuggling in his arms I was woken up by calling of Alexander seems he learnt from his mistake I just nodded at him and went out of the car and saw a house scratch that a freaking mansion I mean they are Richie rich I was waiting for them to lead the way they started walking I was following them like a lost puppy but i somewhat remember this house a little bit all thanks to that photographic memory of mine we went inside when father (sounds not satisfying but cannot say sperm donor  again and again 😂)

  He shouted in the intercom "she has arrived bring your asses to the dining room"  I just stood there bored fanning on my nails and heard a bunch of footsteps feeling like a herd of elephants and soon I so could see seven pairs of feet and front of me steering at me 6 men and one woman I asume mother I was already attached to her soon in a blink of eye was I was engulfed in a ......warm.. hug and felt something wet on my shoulders,' okay I don't know how to console a crying woman I just patted on her back,

       seeing my situation father came to get to her and said let's introduce first started by father itself he said "I am Allejandro de luca as you already know," then come  the women I assumed as my mother" sweetheart I am Linda and so glad your back my baby" I just gave her a good for nothing microsmile then came Alexander I move towards the boys and the started by
saying "I am Matteo I am your second oldest and so glad you are back sorella " he gave a goofy vibe I like him .(sister)

   The next one glared at me ,I was like, what the fuck I glared at him back him back he was taken a back for a second but covered up a then I saw three boys standing parallel they look alike they said together hi ,    .....okay that creped the hell out of me they started first one said "I am Leo "second one said" I am Lucas" third one said" I am Liam "and again they together said" we are so happy that you are back bambina "I look that them with horrified expression and everyone laughed seeing me ,I moved forward and what the actual fuck is that I just saw the male version of mine I heard snickering around me I said it aloud

  He approached me and asked in a low voice "can I hug you" I didn't felt awkward or and uncomfortable ,i nod he hugged me like his life depended on it, I hug him back after a minute he pulled away and said" finally you came back I never stop searching for you I love you so much I am so so happy that you are back "i was happy and shocked at the same time I thought search for me I didn't know why but I pulled him in a hug as he cried on my shoulder I pat on" his back and after a few minutes and after coming down his smile widely at me I smile back and heard gasps in the background and heard someone saying, "it is the first time she has smiled since we got her "I just shrugged at them and said soft removing my cold voice for some unknown reason "I didn't got your name" he smiled rubbing the back of his neck and said "oh sorry my name is Ace" I nod at him and asked turning to the family "can someone show me my room Ace said "I will do it I will show you "I moved  towards him and we started working as he reached my room to ,

   say I was shocked would be an under statement I turn towards him looking nervous.

sorry for late my exams are going on
And longest chapter of all
Hopefully more updates in coming days😉😉😉😘😘

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