Part 18

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Arnold's POV
I woke up not wanting to go to school,but I wanted to see that girl who was there last day,she was an epitome of beauty and her attitude was to die for ,when first time I saw her something stirred in me, I got out of the bed and showered and changed into this,

Arnold's POVI woke up not wanting to go to school,but I wanted to see that girl who was there last day,she was an epitome of beauty and her attitude was to die for ,when first time I saw her something stirred in me, I got out of the bed and shower...

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'if you want to imagine something else totally upto you'

        I came out, grabbed an apple and left the house not before kissing mom's forehead and hugging dad, el (short for Ella)is already there probably,she is very punctual,why I don't know,she is too naive but I love her more than anything,I started my car to school, I was driving peacefully when I saw a car standing abruptly almost on the middle of the road, and besided it stood the girl for whom I am literally going to school today, she frustratedly kicked her car, I saw it as a great opportunity to maybe talk to her or at least let my presence known to her I stopped my car in front of her and lowered the window she looked at me for sometime so I cleared my throat to gain her attention when she got out of her faze she asked "yah mister do you need anything", I replied ,"no just saw your car parked abruptly and you standing annoyed so thought you might need help I study in the same school and it is still far so if you want ", I rambled which let me clear out I haven't in my entire life,she is making me do things I don't like and I haven't done,she nodded and sat before taking some time I wonder what for but left the thought, and for few minutes no one talked I discretely stole some glances and about 5 minutes later she asked"so..., it's already late why are you not in the school"I glanced at her not knowing what to say and looked back at the road,will I say that I was on a mission last night so I got tired and woke up late no that cannot be said, she shrugged and called someone and said"hey Spenc,my car has broke somewhere in schools way have someone get it and have it repaired",

         Upon listening a boy's name I was jealous,does she already have a boyfriend ,no I didn't even try ,and she was calling by nickname, God I like one woman please don't take her away for me , I pleaded in my mind,again a thing I never did,  soon the school arrived and she was going out but stop in her tracks, I looked at her curiously and she asked "by the way I didn't got your name"ohh she wants my name ,she had only asked your name she hasn't proposed you ,this was my conscience leaving him I replied,"Arnold" she nodded and went out and I was left with my thoughts shrugging I went inside and attended my class which was AP Maths urgh!!! I just hate maths, I went and saw that girl already in the class oh she is in the same class,how stupid of me to not ask her of her name when she asked mine, I went and sat away just so I don't come out as a creep, I was discretely looking at her as she was listening to probably songs closing her eyes looking like an angle,and I saw the dumbass teacher approaching her,and tapped on her desk , I don't know the conversation between them but seeing the smug smile on his face I knew he troubled my angle, I was going to say something and interrupt in between but I saw her taking her bag and moving out of the class but she stopped and wrote something on the board and all others gasped in astonishment ,and I saw the teachers face lost its colors and that's when I knew she was correct , yet again showing a different side of hers, she went out and a decided to follow her but as I was getting up the teacher shouted on me to take my seat or else I will have to go for a detention frustratingly I sat down after another tortures hour of mathematics I was finally free,

     I went out and met Joey and others,we went at the back of the school to smoke when Ross said,"do you know the new girl I saw her today in the middle of the class,she was going somewhere with a boy ,she is the de Luca 's sister ", I was in my thoughts when Ace called and said that they are waiting for us in the parking area as we have planned to go to their house to play some video games, I told them and we went there,upon reaching I saw the most mesmerizing sight of my life yet ,my angle sitting on the car's trunk eating a doughnut, talking to a girl ,as we walked in,and Ace called as to eat doughnuts, I saw her wave to Ross, Joey and Chandler which made me think 'does she know them,but how I have never met her before today morning 'she looked at me and said "hey Arnold,what are you doing here "

Ace shockingly asked "how do you know him", she replied,"ohh that,in the morning my car broke in the middle of the way so he gave me a lift",he nodded and I looked at her with a strong gaze and now I could see similarities between her and Ace,sensing my gaze she looked at me and Lucas said "he is the friend who was not there the other day",but not seeing any reaction I knew she hadn't heard anything, shrugging we went on our way and again she took a ride alone as her car had been repaired,she seemed to be very possessive over her cars one can say seeing her reaction ,we sat in Alex's car and I couldn't help but ask,"so..she is your lost sister "Alex replied a yes with a small smile which let me say is damn rare so I know she has already done her magic,

      "she just came,and already have a boyfriend you didn't have any problem"I asked pretending it as a whatever question but how bad I wanted to hear a big no as an answer, listening to me Alex,Lucas, Leo shouted together boyfriend,when where how's were thrown my way I said ,"wasn't he her boyfriend who she came just now",they all sighed and Leo said,"you almost gave me a heart attack,he is her childhood bestfriend and somewhat a brother to her ",he replied the obvious,
Listening to it I now believe that I do have a chance .

Ariel's POV
I was driving in my car towards the mansion when suddenly I saw two cars following me which I know is not ours I cursed under my breath and tried to lose them but all in vain ,I called Alex and he said picking up" why do you have to call we are reaching only" I panicked and said "Alex go straight home and don't turn back cars are following us" he seem to look and said
"no Ariel we cannot leave you alone wait we are coming" and that's when gunshots started I shouted on the phone "Alex go straight home you are not alone don't risk the life of my other brothers including yourself go straight home if I survive I'll meet you there "no other answer came from other line and I hung up ,I first tried to loose the car but today was just not my day so I lower the window one hand on the steering and from the other hand I started shooting I successfully planted a bullet in the drivers head of the first car but in this hustle I got short in my shoulder the pain only added to my adrenaline rush and I further shooted the tyre of the other car leading it to catch toss and catch fire ,when I was sure that no one was following me ,I park my car at the side of the road panting, put my head on the steering what I failed to notice was blood oozing out from my shoulders not only one but both, I heard cars hault and immediately sprung up but as soon as I saw Xander rushing to my car and others coming out I breathe relief and slowly I was losing My consciousness I fell warm hug , I opened my eyes slightly and saw to Alex trying to wake me up and that's when I slept into dark

Third person POV
After the call from Ariel,Alex didn't go back but immediately called Alexander
In call -Alexander Alex
How did you call little brother

Xander Ariel called she is in trouble ,she is being followed,she shouted at me to take everyone home and I heard firing before she hanged,

What you drop the young ones at home I am coming right now

Both hanged and Arnold shouted at Alex to stop the car he said,"how can you leave her behind let's go probably she is in big trouble go reverse the car or atleast stop it I will go and help "
Alex didn't know why Arnold was acting that way but this was not his concern for time being,
He dropped everybody at home and reached the location with Arnold who insisted on coming and assured he would be a great help.

3.7kkkkkkkk thanku so much guys for this much love and support keep reading and supporting,
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