Fighting him

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I woke up from my stupid alarm clock. What another wonderful morning. I wonder whats going to happen next. I plopped out of my bed and have a shower. I kept on recalling what had happend yesterday, it was fun. I finished having a shower and went downstairs. I ate bread, as always and went to school.

I went inside the campus and head to our room, i opened my phone and went to doing my business.

~Sun Mi~

I told my parents that i dont want to go back to that school, i rather go back in US, they agreed but...


I went home crying, my parents tried asking me what happened but i dont feel like talking to anyone right now. I went to my room and locked myself.

After an hour, my mom called me from downstairs saying it was time for dinner. I was planning to talk to them about what happened at school.

I went downstairs and sat down with them at the table, it was quite awkward since theyre not talking. I took a deep breath and spoke.

"Eomma, appa. About school...."

"Oh right, we forgot to was school? Did you made friends? Did you have fun?"

School was horrible, i dont even want to go back. Someone did have fun but not me. I think that if i probably go back tomorrow, he'll do something more worst. That guy was like sent from hell.

"Ummm...about school mom..ummm.."

I stopped for awhile thinking about what might happen if i told my parent. They will go straight to our school and complain, the worst part is, my parents could also experience living like in hell and mine could also be 2 times worst from what he just did. I remebered what he said back in the beach.

"Whoever helps that girl...i will make sure you live like in hell too"

I taught about it, i should probably just keep it to myself, i dont want them to suffer, for my parents and I's sake.

" was okay, i did made friends, a lot. You know me, im second in popularity. I thought about something, ummmm...if i could go back to US." I was praying they would agree.

"Why so sudden? Is something wrong? You know you could tell us anything. Does, you crying last night also the reason why you want to go back? Is there something we dont know?" Eomma was looking at me worriedly.

Yes, something is really wrong. Your daughter is getting bullied, she was almost raped yesterday just because she threw a smoothie at this guy, probably, if went to school tomorrow, she might not arrive tomorrow safely.

I wanted to tell them the truth so bad but im doing this because i love them.

I showed them a fake smile and continued. Im sorry but i have to lie.

"Ummm...i was crying yesterday because...ummm...i miss my friends back in US, i want to see them so bad." I was smiling, i just hope theyre gonna bought it.

"Awww honey, of course you could go back"

"Really mom?!" I was so happy.

Finally! I wont be seeing that jerk anymore.

I did an evil laugh in my mind.


I looked at them.

"But what?!"

"You should finish the whole school year first and after that, you could go back to US"

I plopped down on the chair, a heavy sigh escaped my mouth. They were smilling at me.

Guess i have to finish the whole school year first before i escaped this hell hole. I wonder if I'll still be alive by the end of the year. Good luck in surbing Sun Mi.

~end of flashback~

I sigh and went downstairs, i looked at the time and its almost 8, i dont care if im going to be late.

"Sun Mi, why are you still here? Its almost 8 and your class starts at 7, you missed your first class" eomma said while watching the television.

How i wished i could stay at home and watch television all day without suffering but i cant.


I said as i waved my hand and went out. I should probably avoid that guy, i should hide or maybe disguise? I walked to school while planning how to avoid that jerk. Thats the only way for me to survive for the whole school year.


Its past 10 and Sun Mi hasnt arrived yet. Im tired of waiting, is she not going to school? After i thought of making her suffer more and now shes not gonna show up? Shes gonna get it alright, everytime she doesnt show up, im just gonna kill an innocent student then and i will let them blame her, im gonna make her life the worst.

The bell rang and we all went out. I grabbed some random girl and pushed her at a wall, i saw people looking at us, i looked at the girl who i pinned and she was shaking, she was even crying already. I kissed her roughly and ran my hands through her body, i sometimes can hear her moan and beg for me to stop. I let go of her and was about to go back to the room when i spot a girl hiding while peeking through our room.

Her hair was in a bun and she was wearing glasses. She was even wearing some clothes for an old lady. I then noticed her. I smirked.

Do you really think you can hide from me?

I walked towards her and hold her waist, i felt her flinch, she did not move. Guess she already know who it was.

~Sun Mi~

It was past 10 when i went to school, i thought abouy it when i was walking going here.


The plan is, im gonna bun my hair, put some glasses and wear some old fashioned. I went back home and grabbed one of my moms clothes. I know that this is not enough but i have to think of something, i brought it to school and changed in the washroom.


I was peeking through out classroom, i was checking if no one was inside.

Good, everyone must be on break now.

I was about to go inside when i felt someone grabbed my waist. I flinched and froze, i cant move. I have some bad feeling about this one. I slowly turned around and realizef it was Jimin. He had that stupid smirk again. I want to wipe off that stupid smirk on his face.

"Do you really think you can escape from me?" He whispred in my ear, i could feel his hot breath.

" Im not trying to escape. Im just hiding from my...umm"

"From?" He asked with one eyebroe up.

" Yeah, my fans. Its because my fanboys kept on chasing me thats why I-" i was cut off when pushed me on the wall.

He looked at me deadly.

Great. Nice lying Sun Mi. Really? Fanboys? Do you think you can fool him?

"Do you think im stupid? Do you really think you can fool me?"

He pushed me harder, he tried to kiss me again but i pushed him. I slapped him making everyone gasp.

"I wont let you touch me again. I dont care if you make me suffer, im gonna try everything to survive this whole school year cause after this Im leaving and I'll make sure we'll never see each other again"

I walked away feeling confident but to be honest, i was very scared of what he might do next but i dont care guess, i need to be brave for myself, i wont show him that im afraid. All i need is plans to survive in this hell.

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