Japanese girl

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I was walking down the hallway trying to find my classroom. I walked inside a classroom making everyone look at me.

I could feel my face heating up from embarassment.

"Im sorry. Im sorry."

I closed the door and sigh.

'This is my 6th classroom now that I've entered. I wonder if I'll ever find my classroom. The principal told me what my classroom is but i forgot.'

I leaned on a wall and slowly bang my head.

'Baka! Baka! Baka!(stupid in japanese) why do i have to forget things so easily?'

I started to walk but im running out of energy.

'Im so tired and hungry. I havent eaten anything yet since i was in a hurry to go here. I didnt want to be late but now im having problems finding my room? Kamisama nande? (God why)'

I was facing the ground when i saw a feet. I looked at the person and it was a boy.

'Huh? What is he doing? Is he sleeping?'

I kneeled down and look at him closely when a tear escaped his eye.

'Hmmmm? Looks like hes having a bad dream. Should I bring him in the infirmary?'

I touched his forehead and hes hot.

Panick rushed through me.

'Wahhh! What to do? What to do? Even though i can help him stand, i dont even know where the infirmary is. Should i ask for help? Baka! I thought he was just sleeping but he fainted?!'

I started to pace back and fort.

'Every second counts. What should i do?'

When i was pacing back and fort, someone spoke.

"Are you alright?"

I looked at the person and it was a boy.

'Arigato kamisama'(thank u God)

"Please help me. I dont know this place yet and someone fainted."

I said as i pointed at the unconscious boy.

He took a peek making him gasp.

"Ahhh...Im sorry but... I cant help you."

He looks terrified.

"Huh? But why? Please. You gotta help me. I dont know what to do. At least please tell me where the infirmary is"

He gulped and nod.

"Just walk this hallway then turn left, you'll see a stairs. Go down and turn right. You'll see the infirmary if you continue to walk through there."


I bowed and started to help the boy stand up.

'Ugh. This boy is heavy. Its no use, i have to hurry or else I'll totally loose my energy.'

I started to walk following that boys direction. I repeated and repeated the directions thinking i might forget again.

'Yosh! Lets go!'


I looked back and i can see the girl struggling from carrying Jimin. I was quite impressed that she even helped him.

From the looks of it, shes a new transferee but this late? Oh well...maybe shes smart thats why they let her enter even though its already late. I also noticed that shes quite pretty and cute. The way she spoke to me in japanese makes her cuter.

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