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Jungkook was a nice guy. We get along very well. Im sad about the death of his friend but im here now. I'll make him happy again.

"Hey kookie. Want to get some ice cream?"

I looked at him and he was looking at me too.

"Did i say something wrong?"

He stayed quite for a minute until he finally came back to his senses.

"Oh. No. Not really. Its that, my friend, Suga used to call me that"

He smiled at me but i know that he was hurt.

"Ohh. Im sorry. Should i call you something else?"

He shook his head.

"Nahhh. Its okay. Besides, you kind of remind me of him. Since no one will call me that anymore, I'll be sad but i prefer you calling me 'kookie'."

I smiled at him and grabbed his hand.

"Where are we going?"

He asked.

"We're going to my favorite ice cream shop."

After 10 minutes of walking, we finally arrived. I was about to drag him inside when he stopped.

I looked back smilling at him but i frowned when he was looking at the shop then suddenly his tears started flowing again.

"Hey. You know boys dont cry about little things. You should be strong. Didnt Suga also tell you not to be a cry baby anymore? Because his..."

I stopped talking when he cut me off.

"Wait, how did you know that? How did you know what Hyung told me? Who are you exactly?"

He was looking at me suspiciously.

"Beacuse i would also say that if i was in his position. I wouldnt want to leave a friend when i know that he wont be alright, right? I know you would do the same"

He bit his lip but he also agreed.

"Well, you are right. Nevermind. I promise from now on that I will be brave."

He acted manly.

"Thats the spirit. Now, lets eat ice cream and enjoy our time!"

We went in together and ordered our favorite ice creams. We talked and talked the whole time and he told me that Suga and I have really have the same commons, it was like Suga was resurected and it was me.

Its nice to see him happy again.


I came home to my apartment exhausted. I cant even remember what i did today. I lay down on the bed and the face of Jungkook suddenly appeared.

I wonder how you're doing without me Jungkook

The minute i lay down, i fell asleep.

"Suga... suga..."

I heard someone calling me but i cant see who.

"Who are you? Where are you?"

After a minute, i blinded by a light.

"Are you stupid? Didnt you even recognize my voice?"

A girl suddenly appeared with a straight face.

"Ohhh. Come on Jessica. Who would even recognize you with that voice? Old man"

The moment she caught to me, she slapped me on the shoulder and when she did, you wont even know if it was really a girl who slapped you.

"Yah!! Whats that for?"

"Who are you calling old man?!"

I laughed at her and she just rolled her eyes.

"Hey. Why am i here? Am i dead again? What happened to me?"

She continued walking.

"Nope. This is real that im you're here but your not dead. I was watching you awhile ago and-"

She was startled when i yelled.

"What?! You were watching me?!"

She shrugged.

"Well, yeah but-"

I cut her off again. She cant be serious right? Why would she watch me? Is she a pervert?

"You were watching me the whole time?"

She nod.

Holy sh*t. So she did saw me naked. I never knew Taehyungs ideal type are like this. I wonder if Sun Mi is also like this.

I was busy talking in my mind when she smacked me again.

"Yah! What do you think of me? As if i want to see you naked.파보"

I smirked at her while getting closer and closer.

"Please Jessica. I know you want it"

She pushed me away.

"Ewww please. I rather see a hobo naked than see you naked"

I looked at her with no emotions.

"Yeah right. Its not like i have feelings for you. Why am i here anyway?"

"Well, as i observe you, you still cant control the body. You have the body and you cant move it and everything but once the day ends, it felt like you didnt know what happened."

I looked at her.

"Yeah? And so?"

"Well. It would be harder for you to be able to controll yourself if you wont let your soul take over the body"

This girl can really be complicated sometimes.

"I dont understand you. Please make it clearer."

She sighed.

"You'll continue forgetting what you just did because your soul has not yet taken the controll of the body so if you dont want any regrets, i suggest you to be strong for you to take over it. You have to accept the body, if the body accepts you then thats it, you're good. Understood already? "

I nod.

"Alright then, my work here is done"

I was about to call her when she dissappeard and my vision gets blurry and blurry until i heared a ring.

I woke up and i realized that its already sunrise.

My job starts today.

Dont worry Jungkook, hyung is coming back


Hi guys. Suga is coming soon :) i hoped you liked this chapter, please keep supporting this story and im gonna try to make it better :) sorry if its not enough, I'll work harder for you guys. 사랑해~~~ 안녕

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