Bringing back whats in the past

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I've been absent for 3 days now and i dont even know whats going on with me. I havent went out of my room ever since the incident about Suga happened.

My parents who were scared and cant even talk to me or look at me is now bringing food for me. I dont really know whats going on.

I was in a deep thought when i heard a knock on the door, then my mom came in with a tray of food. I was not facing her but i heard her put the tray on the table beside me. She was about to leave when i called her. She was very shock that for years, i've never call her that.


I felt someone sit on the side of the bed.


I can still notice that shes afraid. I feel bad hearing people getting scared when i talk to them, but i only started feeling it 4 days ago.

"What do you think is happening to me? I...i felt my heart ache when i saw a girl cry and i felt guilt when i killed the friend of my ex friend. What does that mean?"

I heard her gasp but also sighed.

She scooched over to me and i felt her hand on the side of my arm, i felt...different. I felt happy.

"Honey, that means those person must've been very important to you and you love them"

Love? I dont love them... I think?

I sighed and turn over to her. She was smilling at me. I was shocked at first because this is the first time again that I've been this close to my parents, we were always 5 meters away before but now it only inches.

"What does it mean?"

She held my hand which startled me.

"It means that you dont want to be a bad guy anymore. You're changing"

After i heard that, its hard to progress in my mind but it was very clear, what was happening to me is because i felt bad and that im different.

Maybe i am changing...

After a moment, it caught my attention whe she suddenly hugged me, minute later, i felt hot tears drop on my shirt.

Shes crying, it made me cry too when she said important words to me.

"Is my son coming back? Because i miss him so much already, i've always prayed to God that this day would come and now it finally did. I miss you so much son, please come back to us"

I gulped and didnt even realize that tears were flowing nonstop to my cheeks.

I didnt know what was happening when i realized that i was hugging her back. I closed my eyes and let the tears flow freely.

I will change now for sure mom.

~Mr. Park~

They didnt know but i saw the whole thing. I was making sure that my wife is safe when she gives the food to jimin he suddenly called her.

I was shock too of what I've heard and its really hard to believe but i really miss my son already, we both do.

I smiled while looking at my son and my lovely wife hugging each other while crying their soul out.

I whispered something and closed the door slowly.

I miss you son, please come back soon. We need you.

~Mrs. Park~

Im happy knowing that theres still a chance on our son coming back. I cant help to cry in joy.

Soon son, i know you'll be back

Hi guys. Its been a while is it? Thanks for supporting me. 咯 :) This is probably the shortest and im sorry, i just dont know what to add. I have something in mind before but after my phone has been confiscated, i forgot everything but i hope you enjoy.

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