Move on

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I was so shocked that Taehyung, my old friend is here. Why is he here? Does he know Sun Mi? Are they dating?

Tons of questions was in my head. Why was i even curious if they're both dating? Its not like I care or something. I really like Taehyungs choice of girls just like Jessica and Sun Mi. I guess he wants more of his girlfriend to dissappear from this world huh? This year has just gotten better.

~Sun Mi~

It was lunch now and Taehyung kept on following me. I was still shock of Taehyung coming here. I dont know if i should talk to him, probably if i talk to him, things might just get worst.

Taehyungs already pretty popular in our school. I know hes new but everywhere he pass by, girls kept on squealing and going to him to ask for his number and everything.

"Sun Mi, Sun Mi. Hey Sun Mi"

He was calling me the first time he started following me but i never looked at him.

He suddenly grabbed my shoulder and turn me towards him. I was facing him but i wasnt looking at his face.

"Is there something wrong? Did he hurt you? Why wont you talk to me? Sun Mi"

He whispered my name. I can hear sadness in his voice.

"Didnt you like my surprise? Dont you like me being here?"

I stared at his eyes, i felt guilty for ignoring him, he must have thought that i hate him.

"Taehyung, its not that i dont like you being here, i was just surprised. I was scared that if I talk to you, things might just get worst since your popular now..Im sorry"

I looked down.

He held both of my hand making everyone (girls) gasp. They were staring at us the whole time.

"You dont have to be scared cause im here and I said that I'll protect you, didnt i? I transfered here to protect you and also because i want to see you everyday. To be honest Sun Mi, I think i like you as in like like you. I managed to move on; on jessica. I didnt have the same nightmare since i met you i stopped blaming myself because of you. I dont know why but i really like you and I want to protect you no matter what."

He sound serious. Does he really like me? Well if yes then im happy cause i feel the same way, Taehyung makes me feel safe.

"Sun Mi, i dont want to loose you cause i dont want to regret anymore so im asking you now, right here. Will you be my girl?"

He was on one knee while holding my hand. I cant believe he just asked me to be his girlfriend.

"Well Taehyung...since i felt the same way then...why not? I would love to be your girl."

He looked at me in excitement. He stood up and hugged me tight. I've never seen him happy like this before, i was glad i was the reason of his happiness.

He looks like a kid who just recieved a gift from santa.

I just smiled at myself thinking that the boy i like feels the same way. Thinking that im with Taehyung now makes me happy and feel safe. I felt scared when i suddenly remembered Jimin.

What will he do? I just hope he doesnt cross the line. Please dont hurt Taehyung. Does he have another plan?

I felt really scared. The situation had just gotten worst. Now that im dating Taehyung, Taehyung's life is also in danger now. I dont want to loose Taehyung. When i am now happy with the boy i like, why does someone have to ruin everything? I just wish the year to end fast. I will beg Taehyung to come with me in US, we'll live on ourselves, we would be happy. Having the thought of me and Taehung on US alone makes me Jimin.

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