What a small world

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~Sun Mi~

I walked through the side of the road as a sigh came out of my mouth.

"I can't believe I lost Jimin and Kosaki. Even though I was supposed to keep an eye on them the whole time....ughh!"

I kept on walking, my head facing the ground when my stomach growled.

Looks like following those two makes me really hungry huh? I wonder if we have food in the house.

I jog towards our house and the moment I arrived, I went straight to the refrigerator and opened it. My face dropped when I saw that no food can be eaten.

I sighed and went upstairs to get money from my room.

Living alone really is hard huh?

I don't really know If I told you this already but my parents went on a vacation to U.S. I know, they're just the best parents right, leaving their daughter alone without food. (-.-)

I changed into my usual outfit and went out. I closed the gate and started to walk going to a nearby store.

After minutes of walking, I finally arrived. I went inside the store, got a basket and looked for a food to eat for the whole week and next week. I went to the vegetable section and got some kimchi.

After what seemed to be 20 minutes, I finally finished with the groceries. I paid for everything and went out. I was carrying four plastic bags which was very heavy. I was walking towards our house when someone spoke behind me.

"4 plastic bags being carried by a not so strong girl, you really are something huh?"

I turned around slowly seeing a guy with his hoody on, making his face not clearly shown.

I then remembered that he was the boy who I bumped and accidentally spilled the water he was carrying on himself.

"Ah, you're guy from earlier right?"

I asked making him nod.

"Ahhh...I'm really sorry about a while ago okay? I really didn't see you because I was in a hurry."

I was apologizing as I bow and when I looked up a bit, I saw a small smile forming in his lips.

Goosebumps started to crawl up on my skin.

"Uhh...well, its nice meeting you again but I have to go."

I picked up again the plastic bags and started to walk a bit faster this time.

Why was he smiling anyway? Ughhh...so creepy.

As I was walking, I can hear his footsteps behind me.

'Now he's following me? What is wrong with this guy? What if he's some friend of Jimin, did he sent him because he knew I was spying on them?'

I was focused on my own thoughts when I haven't realized that the guy had caught up to me. He put a hand on my shoulder making me squeal and jump back a bit.

"Please! I'm begging you, I promise to never do it again. I'll stop following them so please just spare me!"

I was now kneeling on the ground as I beg when the stranger burst into laughter.

"If only you can see your expression now! That was hilarious!"

I stared at guy dumbfounded as he continue to laugh.

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

I slowly stood up and looked at him.

"Uhhh...Who are you? Are we..."

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