Kosaki and Sun Mi

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~Sun Mi~

Today was tuesday and its already been a week and so that i havent seen Taehyung. Well to be honest, hes been not showing his face or even letting us feel his presence for a week. I guess he really doesnt care anymore.

I sighed and walk inside our room. I stopped when i heard small snores. I hid behind my bag just in case. I was waiting for someone to attack but no one did.

I shook my head and continue to walk when...


I groaned and held my head.

"It hurts. What the f*ck?"

I sat up and saw a feet. I crawled towards to check who it was and it was some girl sleeping. I looked at her face and I've never seen her before.

She growled and slowly opened her eyes. She screamed making me stumble backwards.

"Oh. Gomenasai."

I looked at her confused.

"Ummm...It means im sorry. Sorry, ummm... im not really used talking in english to anyome except Jimin."

She looked flustered when she mentioned the name Jimin.

Then for a moment, it finally hit me.

'Did she just say Jimin?'

"Ummm...sorry. Are you referring to Park Jimin?"

I was hoping that she would say no but she did not.

She nod shyly.

I squinted my eyes at her.

"Are you someone acquainted to him? Sister? Cousin? Childhood friend?"

She shook her head on every word i said.

'Ah! I know!" I thought.

"You must be his girlfriend! Wow, i didnt really think that guy has a girlfriend. Come to think of it he-"

I was cut of by her voice.

"Ummm...n-no. I-im not hi-his gi-girlfriend"

She was stuttering while her face turns a bit shade of pink. I found it cute the way she suddenly play with the tip of her fingers.

"Im just his friend"

I nod and gave her a warm smile. 
I stood up and gave her a hand. She slowly look up and i nod at her mentioning she should grab it. She took it and i pulled her up. She shook the dust from her skirt and held out her hand.

"Onodera Kosaki, nice to meet you"

"Sun Mi"

We both sat down on the chair and talked.

"So...how did you meet Jimin? And when?"

I asked.

"Well, it was only yesterday. I was lost while finding my room when i saw him outside sleeping but that was what i thought. I was gonna wake him up but saw him crying while asleep."

I looked at her confused.

'Jimin was crying....asleep?'

I shrugged it off while continue listening to her.

" I touched him and he was burning hot so i panicked since i didnt know anything about this school but i know that i still have to help him. It was that time when i boy passed by and he was quite surpised when he noticed that i was carying Jimin but he did help me by telling me the directions going to the infirmary so in the end I carried him there by myself. He was quite heavy you know; for someone who isnt that tall"

She whispered the last sentence making me laugh.

She continued her story for awhile and i just nod at her. The whole time while waiting, we just talked about random stuff like 'how i was related to Jimin' and more. We got a good laugh while telling each other some of our old stories.

"Uhhh...Sun Mi-san? Can i ask you something?"

She looked troubled at first but it went away in a second.

"Sure, ask anything"

"Are we...you know. Friends?"

I laughed at the way she turned red and look away.

"Well of course. We are friends now, unless you dont want to?"

I smiled at how her eyes suddenly shine.

She had a huge smile and what she did startled me.

She jumped on me making us both fall off the chair.

We were now lying down at the floor while her being on top of me. I was still in shock while my heartbeat beating fast from fear.

"Thank you" she whispered making me smile a bit.

I pat her head when...

"Oi. What are you two both doing?"

We both looked up to meet a pokered face Jimin. He looks tired.

Kosaki got off of me as we both stood up, her offering me a hand.
"Good morning Jimin!"

Kosaki squealed having Jimin's presence.

Jimin just gave her a 'whats with the energetic mood?' look.

"Yeah whatever."

Jimin went to his seat leaving Kosaki pout. I giggled at the way she acts like a kid around him and what caught me was how Jimin doesnt seem to mind her. Hes not getting annoyed or mad at all and it looks like shes very comfortable around him.

I looked at both of them the whole time. Jimin laying his head down t his hands while Kosaki continues whinning and all.

"Jeez Jimin-san. Why are you so moody? Cheer up!"

Jimin glared at her and they had a glaring war and i didnt even know if that exist.

Jimin sighed on accepting loss which amazed me. I cant believe he accepted defeat with her. Is it because hes just tired or something else?

I was getting very curious on what kind of relationship they both have. I know that Kosaki said that they're just friends but i dont really know. Its just that by observing both of them now, it seems like Jimin treats her differently. He treats her like she's special.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when i saw Kosaki waving her hand infront of my face.

I glanced at her and she was frowning.

"Are you alright Sun Mi-san?"

I parted my lips to say something but no words went out so i just nod. I glance beside her and saw Jimin staring. I furrowed my eyebrows at him and he looked away. I look back again at Kosaki who was now sitting beside me talking. Students started going inside the room and not long enough the bell rang. Our homeroom teacher started announcing some important reminders but i wasnt listening at all.

I looked outside the windown and into the sky. My head running with tons of questions.

I glanced one last time at Jimin and he was still sleeping.

"What kind of relationship do you have with her, Jimin? Are you hidding something?"

I mumbled when Kosaki must have heard me causing her to look at me and ask if i was alright. I nod giving her a warm smile.

She returned her attention in front and i did too.

"You just wait Jimin cause Im going to find out what you're hiding"


Yo people of the universe. How ya doing? Well i hope you're all doing fine. I hope you're enjoying summer cause school is starting soon and fast, we dont want wasting our time doing nothing dont we? So i suggest we have fun and enjoy our last days before school starts again. Well, im having fun so i hope you too. Thanks for supporting my story all this time and i promise not to fail on you guys :)

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