Mystery Guy

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It was lunch time now and ever since first period, i felt like someone was burning a hole at my back. I try to turn back as fast as I can but I always see no one.

I sighed making Kosaki stop and look at me.

"You've been acting weird all this time now Jimin and you kept on sighing. Is something troubling you?"

"Maybe...if it weren't for you being with me, I wouldnt feel this way at all." I mumbled.

I shook my head and told her it was nothing. She stared at me for awhile as if finding out if I was telling the truth. After some quite staring, she just nodded and continued to walk.

The bell rang meaning 10 more minutes until lunch break ends. I sighed and look back one last time glaring at whoever was this person following us.

~Sun Mi~

All I did was inspect on Jimin and he must have already noticed it because every 5 minutes, he would suddenly turn his back with a glare. It was a good thing I was quick at hiding.

The bell rang meaning lunch break will soon end.

I was too preocupied on spying at both of them when i havent even notice the time.

"Shit! I havent even eaten lunch at all!" I cursed while looking at my watch. It was quarter to one and I only have small time to buy some bread and eat it until class starts.

"I will come back for you Jimin. Im still not yet done with you" I squinted my eyes one last time at him before running away going to the cafeteria. Before I ran, I saw Jimin looked back with a glare as he sighed and continued to walk on ahead.

I was running so fast that I kept bumping other students.

"Hey! Whatch where you're going b*tch"

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"

"At least say excuse me"

Some of the students were cursing me but i didnt mind them until....


I was surprised when I bumped into someone.

I looked up but i cant see his face, he was wearing a hood and facing down; his bangs falling."

"Ano...are you okay? Im really sorry. I didnt mean it."

I tried to look at his face but he avoided contact.

"Its- its alright. Just, be careful sometimes."

He has deep voice but it was a good one. He kinda reminded me of someone I knew.

"Ahmmm...Im really sorry okay? I promise I'll repay you for the damage but right now, i need to get some lunch. So, bye!"

I ran again, leaving the mysterious guy alone. It was kinda rude of me to just leave him like that but I dont have choice. And besides, I promised him that I'll pay him back right?

I ran until I arrived in the cafeteria. I bought some chicken sandwich and some Real leaf.

I was still wondering about that mysterious guy. I wonder if hes new.

I shrugged and continued to eat my bread.

~Hoody Guy~

I bumped into someone, I was irritated for a while but it disappeared when I realized who it was.

It was her.

I've been watching her from a far ever since. I cant let her know who I am. I know she tried to peek on who I am but i avoided her.

I just cant.

"Ano...are you okay? Im really sorry, I didnt mean it."

I was first worried of why she was running. Was she running away from Jimin again? Was she being in pain again?

I told her it was okay and to be just careful next time. I wanted to ask her why she was running but that would make her more curious on who I am.

I was clentching my fist when she spoke again.

"Ahmmm...Im really sorry okay? I promise I'll repay you for the damage but right now, i need to get some lunch. So, bye!"

She ran again before I could even speak. But thank God, she wasnt running because of Jimin. I have to protect her, i know I just have to.

People were staring at me so I just left. I went to the bathroom and took of my jacket. Good thing no one was there. I looked at my jacket and it was wet and sticky. It was Milo that was spilled on me.

I stared at the mirror and look at my face. Dont worry Sun Mi, I promise that I'll protect you no matter what and....

Im sorry.


Hi guyz! Sorry for the short update. I was just in a hurry and Im so busy right now so I dont know when I'll be able to update again. Im writing 3 stories at the same time now so its really hard but please bare with me and tons of projects just keep on coming. I hope you understand and Please dont stop supporting. 🙁😔

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