New Beginning

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I was still frozen on my spot.

She stood up and went to me.

"Why...why are you here?"

I shook my head.


I whispered.

Why am i here with her? Where am i anyway?

"Suga, you dont belong here. You have to wake up."

I was confused. What is she talking about? Why dont i belong here? Am i asleep?

"I...i dont remember anything. Where am i?"

She looked at me for a moment before holding my hand and dragging me where i saw her, under the tree.


She waved her hand at the water which was weird because it looks like a pond and its under a tree.

There i saw the faces that looks familiar to me.

I felt my heart throbbing.

"Who...are they?"

My eyes were still glued to the water.

"They're your friends."

I looked at her.

"Friends? Then how come, i cant remember them?"

She smiled while looking at the water.


I was waiting for her answer when she looked at me.

"Because you're on the other side"

Other side? What did she meant by that?

"Other side? You mean that im dead?"

She nod.

"What? But...but..."

No words went out of my mouth.
She giggled.

"I know its hard but thats whats planned for us. I was also shock, i thought you were still in coma but..."

Then everything went back to me.

Me saving Sun Mi and taehyung, writing letters to my friends and thats all. The next thing i knew is that i was here.

"Why did you give up?"

I looked at her. She was looking at the pond with a sad expression.

"Give up? What do you mean?"

She faced me.

"Why did you give up on your life? Why didnt you fight?"

I dont understand what she meant. Its not my fault, something went wrong with the surgery thats why im here.

"I dont understand"

"What i mean is, you could've lived if you'd fight but you didnt, you failed on yourself. They could've saved you if you didnt give up. Why?"

I could do that?

"What? Well, i dont know how. I cant control my body. I...i want to live of course but i dont know how."

I sigh while tears flow down my cheeks.

She sigh and put an arm on my shoulder.

"Its okay. Everyone has second chance though"

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