The feelings mutual

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Okay, to be frank...I couldn't even careless wether I hurt or made Kosaki cry cause I swear, I never promised her anything. She's just being, no offense -- overacting.

I was walking to god-knows-where; I haven't really paid attention to where I was going.

I stared at the ground as I walk when I heard a girls voice.

I looked up and turned to the side of the road to see a girl in between two guys.

I sighed as I ignore them.

'Wouldn't want to get caught up with them.'

I was nearing them when the girl spoke again. I stopped and thought that, that voice seems kinda familiar.

I turned to her, my eyes widening.

"Uhhhh, Mingyu lets just go okay? C'mon."

She grabbed his arm but he just shrugged her off and continued to have a glaring contest with...

I turned to the other boy, feeling more surprised.

'Well if it isn't my old friend.'


I now looked at Sun Mi as she tries to break off the glaring contest from the two. She looked trouble which was kinda entertaining to watch.

I kinda miss letting her suffer and seeing the horrified face that she gives me everytime I would touch her.

Sadly...I promised to change. But that doesn't mean I would stop enjoying seeing people struggle and suffer.

She was telling this guy who I assume was Mingyu to just let it slide for now. I don't know how but suddenly her eyes met with mine as we locked eyes for a couple of seconds.

Her eyes widen in horror and her mouth opening a gap.

I smirked as I cross the road slowly, both hands in my pocket and the only thing left that can be heard was the sound of my shoes tap the ground as I walk.

I stood in front of her, seeing her still in shock, my smirk grew as I spoke.

"How'd you've been cupcake?"

Sun Mi

Mingyu and Taehyung were still having a glaring contest for about 5 minutes now.

I tried so many times to drag Mingyu but he just shrug me off.

I was about to face Mingyu when a pair of eyes met mine. My eyes widen as I saw him smirk at me from the other side of the road.

'How long has he been there? Did he knew I spied on him and decided to follow me instead?'

A sweat trickled down my face as I notice him slowly cross the road and head towards us.

I didn't know what to do, I was stuck and felt like my whole body can't move. I wanted to leave, not caring about the groceries -- I just want to be out of this mess but I can't. I can't even break off the stare and look away.

I was frozen in my spot, like I was dumped over with cement.

I haven't realize that he was already standing in front of me -- not until he spoke.

His words making me cringe.

"How'd you've been cupcake?"

I scrunched my face in disgust.

How can he fucking call me cupcake? Tsk, I want to wipe off that stupid grin from his face so bad. But being a weak, scaredy cat, and all talk girl I am -- all I could do was stare at him in disgust and stay in my spot.

After Jimin spoke, both the guys was now turned to him.

Mingyu stood beside me, making sure Jimin doesn't do anything stupid. His face angry and disgusted.

And Taehyung...

His face was surprisingly calm -- no, his face was emotionless.

I was wondering how he manage to look like he doesn't give a damn that Jimin was in front of him but then I saw his hand.

His hand was bawled up in a fist, his knuckles turning a bit white and his veins popping out.

Guess he's just controlling himself huh?

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Mingyu hissed making Jimin chuckled.

"Pft, what? Am I not allowed to stroll in here and join you guys?" He then turned towards Taehyung. "And from the looks of it, you were arguing about something, so I came to check what it was. "

Taehyung glared at him, his voice deepening more as he spoke.

"It's none of your business."

"Hmmm...Maybe...maybe yes too. Besides, looks like two of you has connections with her." He point at Taehyung and Mingyu. "I would feel bad if I would be left alone when I too, have some connection with her."

I gulped, feeling terrified now. Things really had just gotten worse.

"What fucking connection are you talking about bastard?" Mingyu asked.

Jimin smirked stepping a bit near to me, making Mingyu hold my arm and secure me more in a protective way.

I can see Taehyung glance at me and Mingyu.

I stared at the ground, not wanting to meet his gaze.

"Well...she's my classmate and..."

He took another step forward as he held my chin and lift it, making me look at him in the eyes. I felt fear again, for once, I felt fear again that he would hurt me like he used to before.

" pet."

My eyes widen at his words. Mingyu slapped his hand off and pushed him a bit.

"Don't you fucking touch her."

Jimin suddenly burst into laughter. Not a normal laugh but like a maniac.

"That's right, I like that look on your face."

He stopped laughing and went back to his teasing look. A smirk plastered on his lips and his eyes glowling like a wolf staring at its prey.

"The face like you're ready to kill someone."

I shivered by the way he spoke. It was creepy and full of lust. Maybe I was wrong about him changing? What if he targets Kosaki?

The image of Kosaki having a one hell of life makes me want to protect her. I have to keep her away from Jimin.

"Go away Jimin. You don't want to start a scene in here." Taehyung growled.

Jimin scoffed as he surprisingly obey Taehyung's words without even hesitating.

"Go to hell bastard." Mingyu spat at him. To be honest, I never thought I would see Mingyu angry like this. He would always smile and be childish -- well yeah, he does get angry sometimes but now, I see a very different person, someone I can barely accept that him and the Mingyu I know before is the same.

I looked at Jimin as he moves his face a bit into a side view, the smirk still on his face as he spoke.

"The feelings mutual."


Okay ^^ Thank you for continuing to support this story :) I hope you liked it and Have a great summer ^-^

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