A promise that was broken

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I cant believe what im seeing now. My friend, stuggling to live. I just want to die right now.

You're gonna pay for this Jimin.


It happened so fast. He shoot then there he is, he blocked, he protected Sun Mi and Taehyung. I didnt even notice he was awake all this time.

Suga hyung, you are tricky and smart but why? Why did you do this?


I was looking at him while tears run down my cheek, he tried to form a smile but i can see hes in pain.


He mouthed.

I collapsed to my knees, i cant bear to see him like this. Hes like a brother to me, a family. Hes been with me since i was 5.

Suga you jerk...

~flash back~

I was crying on the middle of the park that time, I was lost and scared and there he showed up.


He just kept on poking me.

"Hey, stop being such a cry baby. Why are you crying anyway? You're no swag."

He bent down, staying the same height as me. He was taller than me and i was very small for a 5 yr old.

I looked at him and then suddenly he burst out in laughter.

"Why are you laughing?"

I said as i wipe my tears away.

"You're just so cute and small. You're face is so red, like a tomato. Why are you crying anyway? Are you lost?"

"Yes, i was just following them but then something caught me so i went to check it out but when i went back they were g- gone!"

I started crying again but louder. Im a cry baby you know.

"Hey, stop crying already. Boys must be brave and doesnt easily cry when they're alone cause one day, the time will come that our parents will leave us forever."

"F-forever?! But i dont want to be alone!"

I cried louder and louder by the minute people started staring at us.

"Alright alright. Just please dont cry anymore. Come on"

He dragged me somewhere.

"Where are we going?"

"We're gonna find your parents"

He smiled to me and i was just happy I met him.

"Hyung, whats your name? Im Jungkook"

"Min yoongi but you can call me Suga hyung cause im swag"

He laughed.

~end of flashback~

We were so happy back then, he was always there beside me, to protect and comfort me. When my parents died, he was the only person there to take care of me, never he left my side.

Flashbacks of us kept on replying in my head while tears just continue flowing down.

Suga hyung please stay strong.

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