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We are walking in school now, me and Jihoon hyung. We just finished eating lunch so we're heading now to the rooftop. We were walking when I noticed hyung has been.

"Is something wrong?"

He flich meaning he was in deep thoughts. I wonder why.

"Uhhh...yes, Im alright."

He smiled but there was a hint of sadness in it.

"Tell me. I know theres something bothering you hyung."

He sighed and stop.

"Its just, Im worried about Taehyung. Did he really mean that? About Sun Mi? Its just that; he loves her so much, was that all just an act? I know Taehyung could never do that. Hes a great friend. I knew him ever since I can remember."

I just stared at him. My mind was confused, Im confused. I mean, how could how he say all that like he knew hyung (Taehyung) for a long time. And he hasn't even met Sun Mi yet.

My head was aching so I told him I needed to go to the infirmary to take a rest.

I'm being curious on who Jihoon hyung really is, he's acting strange ever since hyung left.

Hes acting like...

I felt a pain on my chest just by thinking about him.

...Suga Hyung.

I know Jihoon is my friend and I can trust him but I know that hes hiding something, I feel like its something serious.


Jungkook's head suddenly ached so we head to the infirmary. When we arrived in the room, I guided him in the chair and went to check if the nurse is here.

I looked around but no one was here.

"Looks like the nurse isnt back yet. Do you want me to call her?"

I asked Jungkook as soon as I got to him but he just shook his head.


I turned to look at him.

"Are you hiding something? What I mean is, you've changed ever since Taehyung-hyung left."

I was shocked for about a minute until the words finally hit me.

I opened my mouth a bit but no words came out. I feel like I forgot how to speak, I was lost in words. What would I say?

"The truth is..."

I started to speak, my voice was shaking.

What would he feel?

He stared at me deeply, like hes going through me.

"...Im Su-"

I was using my strength to say it when suddenly I felt like being pulled by something or someone.


"...Im Su-"

Before hyung could even finish what hes about to say, he suddenly collapsed to the ground.


I ran and tried to shake him hoping he would wake up but he didn't. Panic rush through my body, I didnt know what to do. He just suddenly collapsed.

I stood up and started to run outside to get some help.

I turned to the corner and just in time,a nurse went out of a room.

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