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"Did something happen between you and Sun Mi?"

I looked at Jungkook and he was dead serious. I've never seen Jungkook this serious before.


I avoided him when he suddenly went to me and grab me by the shirt (where you put the collar)

"Damn it Taehyung! Did something happen with you and Sun Mi?"

I still avoided him and he was really pissed that his face is turning red.

"F*ck Taehyung! Answer me! Why cant you f*cking answer me?!"

I clenched my fist as my blood started to boil.


I looked at them with a frightened look. Its looks very serious. The atmosphere also doesnt feel right. Its like a very dark aura suddenly appeared and swallowed them making the light disappear.

I didnt know what to do. I was scared. I've never seen Jungkook so pissed. Its like what im seeing now is a different side of Jungkook.

'The angel type and the devil type'

Never had i wished I'd see this but here it is happening now. I know that i need to do something to stop them, they're bestfriends after all.

I went to Jungkook and slowly put a hand on his shoulder.

"Jungkook...please calm down."

I was shocked when he just shrugged it of; he didnt even give me a glance.

I was afraid of him. I never knew that he was this scary. Hes 99% angel when hes in a good mood but it looks like hes also 99% devil when hes not.

I was panicking, i didnt know what to do. People were already staring at us because of Jungkooks nonstop shouting.

I was about to call for some help when Taehyung yelled.

"Why do you care?! Its none of you're business so just f*ck off! Dont you dare yell and say some sh*t about me because you dont have the right to say all of those. If you want to know what happened that much then go ask her for yourself! Our relationship has nothing to do with you so f*ck off!"

I was speechless and so is everyone including Jungkook. I looked at them worriedly.

Jungkook kept his head down but still not releasing Taehyung.

Taehyung released Jungkook's grasp by force and was about to walk away when...


Taehyung turned around and in just a blink of an eye, he was at the floor with blood on his lips.

I cant help but just cover my mouth with my hand.

Taehyung wiped the blood and snickered.

Whats wrong with them? They were okay minutes ago but why?


The moment i look back, i was greeted by a punch making me fall to the ground.

I felt a sting at my lips and when i touched it, i realized that it was bleeding.

"Tsk. Is that all you can do?"

Jungkook raised his head while his eyes piercing into mine like they were gonna eat my soul.

"You bastard! How can you still be smirking like that when you and Sun Mi just fought? Are you insane? Have you gone mad?"

He was on top of me while holding me at my shirt.

"Wake up Taehyung! This is not you! Where is the Taehyung who used to be happy always? Who used to be brave and cheerful? The childish Taehyung? The Taehyung who loves a girl named Sun Mi so much that he would die for her?"

His voice softened as he said the last sentence.

I smirked at him and chuckled.

"Wake up you mean? Im already awake Jungkook. Cant you see? I've been asleep all this time; i didnt know what i was doing, some nonsense. Childish Taehyung? Cheerful Taehyung? All of them are gone now. Im the real Taehyung. Dont you get it, meeting that girl made me fall into a deep sleep. I was careless, i was a fool for making her trick me. You have to accept me who i really am, and i am now. That girl is nothing special, shes just a toy, a toy who used to be new but now is broken. Broken toys doesnt need to be kept and taken care of, they belong to garbage where its full of junk"

His grasp suddenly softened as he put his head down again. He stood up and just stare at the sand.

I sigh.

I went to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You gotta accept who i am now. We're friends after all right? Just forget about her and enjoy. You, me and your friend Woozi. The three of us will live an amazing life, we can have as many girls as we want. With this looks of ours, we will always have some ladies around us. Now...lets go"

I turned away and walk when he whispered something.


I looked at him and a tear escaped his eye and fall to the sand.


He raised his head and...(O.O)

His face was cover in tears. Nonstop tears flow from his eyes down to his cheeks. His face turning redder and redder every minute.

"I dont believe you! You're just acting like that so that you can pretend that you're tough, that you dont care about Sun Mi're not. You dont have to pretend. I know how much you love Sun Mi, because I've seen it. I've seen how you stare at her with your eyes full of love. I've seen how much you cared for her. Shes nothing special you say? Well you're wrong. Shes more than that. Shes your life. You need her and ... she needs you"

He walk towards me and give me a hug. I feel his warm tears drop to the back of my shoulders.

I clenched my fist and shove him.

His reaction →O○O←

"What do you know? You know nothing! Shes nothing but a toy! I can live a happy life without her. I can make hundreds of girls to fall for me in just a second. Why cant you see that Im just helping you free from her. We were all chained up because of her. If it wasnt for her, Suga hyung would still be alive."

He was looking at me with mixed emotions.

I grabbed his hand and sooth it.

"Dont you worry Jungkook. We're free from her now. Come with me and lets all live without problems. Life would he better without her. She'll just make you loose another friend. Shes probably connected to Jimin and all of this is part of the plan so that they can take revenge."

He grabbed my hand and slowly put it down.

He looked at me with a gentle smile and said.

"Im sorry Taehyung but im not. I will look for Sun Mi and stay with her. Thats what Suga wished for, didnt you remember? The letter, you are my friend Taehyung but if this is just how you are now then it looks like we just have to end it here, right now."


"Fine then! If you cant accept me then its over. We're no longer friends! Have fun staying and suffer with that girl!"

I walked away and left him at the beach.


"Why has it come to this Suga? Why did you have to leave?"

Zzzzz...waahh! Im so tired. My head is aching so much. Its pretty late now and i want to sleep so bad but i just had to finish this for you guys. I hope you like it. What do you think about Taehyungs behaviour? Well then, i have to go rest now. I hope you enjoy and Good Night Zzzzzz

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