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It was now our last period, and ever since the incident that happened in the Clinic, I couldn't look at Jihoon Hyung straight into his eyes.

The bell rang making the whole classroom filled with sigh in relief.

"Okay, that's all for today. Don't forget to study for tomorrow's test."


The teacher dismissed us and I look at everyone as they leave, even Jihoon hyung.

I stared at my desk and a tear drip down my hand.

"Is he really Suga hyung?"

There was a pain in my chest, thinking that Suga hyung and Jihoon is one. Why do I feel like he doesn't care about me anymore? Did he change?

I wiped my tears and got my bag. I was walking through the hallways as I lower my head. I arrived in the first floor and on the lockers area. I stopped when someone spoke.

"So you were still planning to come down huh, and here I thought you were gonna let me wait ti'l tomorrow."

I stared at him as he lean beside my locker, his hands both in his pockets.

My nose started to hurt and then I knew that my tears were coming again. My eyes blurred and tears started streaming down.

"Ah, 왜요? 괜찬하?" (why? are you alright?)

I shook my head, still wiping the tears again. I look up at him with a smile.

"아니. I'm alright. 고마오." (no, thank you)

His eyes softened as he slowly walk towards me.

"You're still a cry baby after all."

He ruffled my hair and walk towards the door.

He looked at the sun as it sets, then turn back at me.

"가자" (In korean, they say its lets go.)

I looked at him amused.

The sun hitting the side of his face, as the sun sets behind him.

I smiled and nod.

I ran to him and what surprised him was when I suddenly gave him a hug.

"Lets go."

He pat my head even though I was taller than him.



I continued drawing random things on my notebook and ignore this girl beside me.

"Ya, Jiminie~"

I tighten the grip on my pen as she kept on poking and annoying me.

"Ya...Jiminie? Jimin~ Park Jimin~ Chim Chim."

As she said the last word, I looked at her making her seem a bit taken back.

"What did you just call me?"

She blinked a few times then smirked.

"Chim Chim~"

She stared at me with a teasing smile.

"Call me one more time with that name and you're dead."

I shot her death glares before proceeding to my business.

"Chim chim..."


"Ya Chim chim..."

"..." 💢

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