Accidents happen (part 2)

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~Sun Mi~

I just run and run nonstop, i ask every people whom i pass by but i just cant find them. I looked at the time and I only have 15 minutes left. How could i find them in 15 minutes?

My legs was shaking. Im so tired but everytime i remember the face of taehyung when he was tied, i saw how tired he is, I just cant help but cry in regret.

I regret everything that has happened. I regret going to the beach that time, i regret pouring the smoothies into Jimin, i regret going to that school, i regret meeting taehyung. I regret everything.

I collapsed on my knees on the middle of the street just crying my eyes out. I just want to die right now. Taehyung will die because of me. Im so useless, this is all my fault. Why did this happen? What do i deserve that the heaven are punishing me, us?

I was crying so much that i feel like in any seconds now, blood will come out from my eyes, i can feel people staring at me, they started talking about me but i just dont care what they think of me right now.

"Who is she? Why is she crying in the middle of the street? Come on, lets help her."

I heard two boys talking.

"What? Are you crazy? What if shes a crazy fan whos just acting so that we would help her and then she'll suddenly grab us and kidnap us?!"

The two of them just kept on shouting at each other. Its starting to annoy me.

"If you dont want to help, then I'll do it myself."

I felt someone put a hand on my shoulders.

"Ms, are you okay?"

"Do I look like im okay?"

Then the other guy spoke.

"Sorry if my friend here is concerned! Thank you for noticing. Lets go Jungkook, she doesnt need our help anyway."


We saw a girl crying in the middle of the street and i just cant help but feel like helping her. We went to her and i asked if shes okay and her answer made hyung annoyed.

"Sorry if my friend here is concerned! Thank you for noticing. Lets go Jungkook, she doesnt need our help anyway."

We were about to leave when she called us.

How did she know our name? Im pretty sure she ain't a fan but how? And she sounded like she needs us.

~Sun Mi~

When i heard that name, i just cant help but shout. I cant let them leave, i need them, taehyung needs them.


I just hope your okay


Jimin is the most cruel person i know in the world. Hes evil! Jimin's plan is, when Sun Mi brings Suga hyung and Jungkook here, shes going to be in trouble. There are two mens waiting for her outside, when she brings them in, Jimin will tell her to get something outside but the thing is they're actually waiting for her, he will sell her and then kill me and both of my friends. I dont understand why hes doing this.

Wheres the Jimin i met a long time ago. Hes very different now. He was sweet and caring before but why? Was he faking everything? I need to know what happened to him in the past.

Im going to get my old friend back no matter what.


She explained everything, it may be short but we understand. She and Taehyung needs our help but why do we need to go there? There might be another plan Jimin has. He wont let us go there just so that he'll let Taehyung go.

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