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"I've come back....Jungkook."

I groaned and felt a hand stroking my hair. I looked up and saw someone smiling at me. My eyes was still adopting to the brightness so it was still blurry.

My eyes widen as I saw who it was.

"S-su-suga hyung?" 

He was smiling at me warmly. Tears just started to fall from my eyes. Without a minute to waste, I suddenly hugged him.

"Su-suga hyung...I th-thought you were d-dead." I said in between cries.

"I would never leave my little brother alone you know. I still have a mission to do and that's to protect you and bring you all together."

He said while softly caressing my back; I missed him so much. I never thought I'd be able to see and speak to him again.

"but hyu-"

When I looked up, Suga hyung was gone.

I broke the hug and looked around calling his name.

"What's wrong Jungkook?"

I turned my attention back to Jihoon who I didn't even know was the person hugging me.

I looked at the floor and sat at the chair beside his bed.

'Is it just my imagination? But I swear I saw him. I even hugged and talk to him. Was it just a hallucination?'

I sighed as tears started to fall again.

"I miss you so much Hyung."

I cried on the bed side when I felt Jihoon touched my hair. His touch was different. It gave me a weird feeling. I stared at his smiling face and I don't understand but it hurts.

"I'll always be here Jungkook."

His voice changed. He still looks the same but his voice changed. His actions changed, everything.


"A single shot won't stop me from protecting you. There will always be a way for me to be here. And now I've come back."

I stumbled from the chair making me fall.

'Am I seeing things again?'

When he spoke, there was a time when I saw Suga hyung again.

'Just what is going on?' 

I was speechless. I couldn't talk nor move....then I saw something very strange.

Beside Jihoon was Suga who has the exact same posture of him. They were both smiling at me. After a while, Suga's figure went in Jihoon's body.

I don't know what's going on. From what I saw...can it really be? Is it even possible?

His touch, voice, the feeling he gives me, the way he calls my name, his attitude, everything.

It's all in him...

I was terrified, lost, confused, I don't even know what to believe anymore. Would I believe what I had just seen?

I didn't even realize that those words started coming out from my mouth.

" it really you?"


" it really you?"

When Jungkook said that, at first I was surprised but I just smiled at him.

He was staring into my eyes, his dark brown orbs shaking; then tears started to stream down again.

I slowly nodded making him hold his head in his hands. His shoulders was shaking and I can hear him sniff as he wipes his tears.

"Why? How is that even possible? I've never thought I'd see you again. I thought you were gone forever!"

His voice was shaking, I was about to get out of the bed when he raised his voice which kept me glued on my spot.

"Why?! Do you know that everything is in a mess now? Taehyung hyung is missing?! No news has even heard about him! And Sun Mi..."

His voice suddenly calmed down when he mentioned Sun Mi. He sighed and looked at me with eyes full of sadness.

"I don't even know if she's still okay. I should've at least stayed with her. She has no one now. She may be suffering right now and here I am, doing nothing. I could've at least prevent Taehyung hyung from leaving. I can't even do anything. I couldn't even protect you. I'm sorry. Is this a punishment sent by God?"

I stared at him as I slowly approached him.

I knelt down and touched his shoulder making him look at me. His face was wet from the non stop tears. I wiped his tears and hugged him.

"You don't have to blame yourself and especially, you don't have to be sorry. You've been a great help, you know that? You've fight for Sun Mi, you tried to stay strong. You've help me realize who I was. You've done a good job, so you don't have to be sorry.  It's not you're fault you couldn't save me. It was my choice and I guess it really was time for me to go. But I've returned for I still have a mission to do, and that's to fix all the mess Jessica left."

He stared at me confused.

"Jessica? You mean..."

I nodded.

"Yes, The ex girlfriend of Taehyung. She's the reason why I've returned. I've come to make things right. I've promised her to fulfill her wish that she couldn't do. And that's to make sure you all live happily and peaceful, without danger, without conflicts, without sufferings, without worry. And I would start by getting Taehyung back."

"Get hyung back? How would you do that? We don't know where he is, nor even if he's still alive."

I smirked at him making him frown.

"I think, I may know where he is."

I stood up and was about to exit the Clinic when Jungkook grabbed my arm.

"How can you be so sure? Are you really confident that you'll fix everything? What if someone di-"

I stopped him from talking because I know what he'll say next. His expression changed so I know that he's woried.

"No one will die. I promise you, everything will be alright. Just trust me."

I continued to walk and out of the clinic. I opened th door when he whispered something making me stop in my tracks.

"Promise? Even though you promised you'll stay with me forever."

I turned around and saw him hanging his head down. I walked up to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"I promise you, you'll all live happily. I'll make sure you do. Trust me this time. Do you trust me?"

He stared right through my eyes and sighed.

"I trust you."

He smiled and completely walk out of the Clinic. I walked out too but stopped in front of the door. I looked as he walk away slowly. I reach out my hand for him and whispered.

"Why is it that its only us who'll live happily? Can't you promise to stay this time?"



Hello once again. I feel like its been a long time but sembrake had just started so that's why I'm updating. I hope you'll continue to support this story and of course me. Happy sembrake everyone. Hope you have fun and Happy November!🤗

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