Lazy Day

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Okay, I know you guys don't like Kosaki but please bear with her 🙇 I'll also try to clear things up so please continue to support.

~3 hrs ago~


I finally calmed down from crying and was in thoughts while walking.

'Maybe I over reacted too much?'

I frowned and kept my head low. I looked at the sky as the wind slowly blows through my hair.

"Maybe I'll apologize after all."


Me and Jihoon hyung were getting along well now. We seem to get closer and closer, after all, Suga hyung is him. Its still hard to accept or rather, believe it but I don't think I have any other choice. He did seem a bit like Suga hyung, his features and attitude. I did missed hyung but with Jihoon beside me, I feel like Suga hyung really is with me now.

"Jungkook-ah." he called.

I hummed a response.

"Why did Taehyung say all that about Sun Mi? Did something happen?"

I stopped in tracks, my head facing the floor.


Jihoon turned around when he realized I stopped following him.

"I don't know..." I mumbled, biting my lower lip.


I looked up startling him.

I answered, "I dont know! I don't know anything. Where they are, what happened, anything."

I clutched my head and gritted my teeth.

"I don't even know how they're doing. I don't know anything at all. I can't even do anything. I'm so useless."  My eyes stung because of the tears dwelling up.

"Jungkook." Jihoon whispered.

A hand held my shoulder making me flinch. I looked at Jihoon and saw him staring at me with serious eyes.

"I'm sorry. And also you're not useless. You were just sad and scared."

"But- they were scared too. They needed someone and yet I hid. I ran away from them, from trouble because I was scared,  I was scared something would happen to me. I was selfish, thinking only about my safety. I-"

I got cut off when Jihoon hugged me. (Please don't put bad thoughts about this. It's just a reassuring hug ^^)

"Its normal to be scared. Sometimes, fears are the reason why people want to get stronger- because they want to protect the people important to them. Strong people get their strength from experiences. You're still in that kind of stage Jungkook. Don't let fear get to you. You can't erase fear but you can use it to make you stronger. Face fear to protect the people you love..."

He then showed a gentle smile and continued.

"...cause that's what I did too."

My eyes widen, my vision suddenly became blurry and the next thing I knew, I was crying in Jihoon's shoulder.

"I-I'm sorry Hyung. I pr-promise to get stronger. I'll protect them, I promise."

His body relaxed as he pat my back.

"I know you will." he whispered.


After some time, Jungkook finally calmed down so we continued to walk. We were walking side by side, no one bothering to speak a word.

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