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I've been hanging out with Woozi for a week since i met him. Ever since the day i met him, i was slowly recovering from the pain when Suga died. Since I've been hanging out with him for a while, we were able to know more about ourselves and i noticed that Suga and him has a lot of common, if i can calculate it to percent; its gonna be 95%.

Weird right? They look a like and almost have the same in common. Since Suga and him has a lot in common, it wasnt hard being friends with him.

We're together walking and since we planned to visit the beach and watch the sunset together, we're heading there right now.

You may think Im a gay or a BI but im telling you right now, Im 100% man. Im just really happy because i feel like Suga hyung is still here with me.

We were walking on the beach when we saw a couple fighting.

I ignored it and faced Woozi.

"By the way hyung. If its not a bother to you, can we visit my friend Taehyung and Sun Mi next time? Im really worried about them and im sure they're worried about me too for not keeping in contact."

"Yeah sure. I would love to."

We were walking until we saw a nearby open shop (just like an open court)

"Hey, would you like some drink?"


We walked to one of the chairs and sat down.

"I'll just go buy something, do you want something else?"

" Its okay. A drink is already enough"

I nod and went to the counter.

"Wait. I forgot to ask what he wants"

I ran back to him and ask.

When i went back someone was staying at where i was supposed to be.


I hate myself. I dont even know if i can ever forgive myself.

'I cant just stay here and cry. Crying wont solve anything. I have to continue to fight. I still have to protect her."

I went to an open shop to cool down for a bit. I was about to order something when i heard someone sigh behind me.

I looked behind and...


He stared at me blankly.

"Ehhh?! Taehyung hyung? What are you doing here? I mean, are you here with Sun Mi? That great because we were just talking about you guys. I would like you  guys to meet him but first i have to order something. What were you about to buy anyway?"

"Ah...just cola"

"Alright then, 3 colas please"

I dont even know how to tell him, Im sure he'll be very sad when he hears about me and Sun Mi, just when it looks like he just gotten over Suga hyungs death.


I was looking at the shore when Jungkook arrived. I peeked behind him and saw a guy facing the ground.

"Who is he?"

I said pointing at the guy.

"Ah. Hes the guy i was wanting to introduce to you. Hes my friend, Taehyung"

He said as he put an arm on his shoulder.

Hmmm? He doesnt look happy.

"Is he alright?"

Jungkook looked at him and smiled.

"I dont really know. Maybe hes just tired. Hey hyung, you should introduce yourself"

He looked up and when he saw me, he was in a complete shock.


I envy Jungkook but im also a bit happy seeing him back as he was before, i wonder who this friend is that made jungkookie happy.

'I forgive you'

My expression changed when i remembered Sun Mi.

I love her so much. I miss her. I want to go to her that time and wipe those tears but i cant. I cant do that anymore.

I didnt even notice that i wasnt paying attention to Jungkook anymore.

"I dont really know. Maybe hes just tired. Hey hyung, you should introduce yourself"

I looked up and it felt like my sadness dissappeared.


My mouth just functioned on its own. I was in a complete shock. Is this why Jungkook is so happy? Its becuase Suga hyung isnt really dead?

Tears filled my eyes and fell on my cheeks. I saw him get startled and stood up.

"Omo. Why are you crying? Did i do something wr-"

He stopped when i suddenly hugged him.

"Hyung, are you really back? Dont scare us like that, i nearly had a total break down and Jungkook here felt like dying. Im just so happy that you're here."

I looked at him and he was...confused?

Did he get an amnesia? But the gun wasnt hit on the head.

"See? I told you he looks like you"

I looked at jungkook with a 'whut' expression.

"What? What are you talking about? What do you mean 'he looks like you'?"

I was confused. What is he talking about? Was it Jungkook who got an amnesia?

"Well hyung, this isnt Suga hyung. I had the same reaction when i saw him for the first time too and i really thought that he was Suga hyung and he was joking but he really isnt. His name is Lee Jiyoon but he prefered to be called Woozi."

I looked at the doppelganger of Suga with a hanging jaw.

He bowed to me and smiled.

"Nice to meet Taehyungie. I hope we become good friends"

I was speechless. He really looks like hyung.

I smiled back at him and did the same thing.

"I know we will"


I looked at them happily. I know everything will be alright. It looks like they'll be good friends.

One more thing...

I looked at Taehyung with a serious face.


The both looked at me.

"Whats with the serious face Jungkook?"

Taehyung looked away and thats when i knew that somethings not right.

"Did something happen between you and Sun Mi?"

Im terribly sorry for this very very late update. I really want to update as soon as possible buts my schedule is tight this days especially this month. I will really try harder next time. Thank you for being patient and waiting for me to update. Please keep supporting, commenting and favorite my story. Belated Merry Christmas and Happy New year to everyone ♡♡♡~~

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