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Sun Mi

Today was Monday again as for I, I am at school once again. Winter break is coming next week which is very exciting cause I just can't wait to get out of here. I just wish summer would come soon.

Everyone was on their seats talking, Jimin was on the seat beside me. I didn't bother to look at him cause it might just ruin my mood. Jimin hasn't been done anything actually for a few days or weeks now. I'm actually believing he might actually have changed.

The teacher was now telling us to open our text books when the door slam open.

"I-I'm sorry, I overslept."

There was Kosaki panting with her hair still wet, probably from the shower and sweat.

The teacher sighed and told her to sit down. She bowed and walked towards her seat which was the chair beside Jimin.

We were scanning our books when I keep on noticing Kosaki glance at Jimin like she's about to say something. I groaned and glared at her. She flinched and just focused on reading.

Jimin was also reading his book with a bored expression. The teacher was about to speak again when the door opened.

It was Mingyu this time who was panting.

"S-sorry I'm late."

The teacher didn't say anything but just mentioned him to sit down. Mingyu was now wearing an actual school uniform. He entered the room and sat on the chair in front of Jimin. Before he sat down, he glared at Jimin before turning to me and gaving me a gentle smile. I smiled back and sighed.

"Okay, on to the next lesson, We'll talk about th-"

Then again, the teacher was cut off by the door. She groaned and sat on her chair giving up. She mumbled some words making the other students giggle. We all turned to the door to see somone unexpected.

He didn't say anything but just went towards his place. Everyone was silent while their eyes follow him.

He took the seat beside me while he just sat there not caring about a thing.

Ms.Jung was leaning on her chair when she spoke.

"Nice of you to comeback Mr.Kim."

He just stared at her with a bored expression before turning to the window.

The class began like any other normal day but I just can't believe that Taehyung's back.

I sometimes glance at him to see him either paying attention or staring outside the window.

I glanced at him again when he sighed.

I quickly turned my attention back to the front when I heard him shift his seat.

I slowly looked at him to see him staring.


He just stared at me with a stoic face. I was getting uncomfortable when he spoke.

"Could you please quit glancing at me every second? It's really annoying now."

I was surprised but pretended to be innocent.

"Wh-what? I'm not glancing at you. I was just looking out the window. W-why would I glance at you anyway?" I said crossing both of my arms.

"Hmmm...I wonder why, perhaps
you missed me too much?" he smirked.

"Excuse you! I didn't miss you at all. Psh, don't think so high of yourself." I groaned and just focused on the lesson.

From the corner of my eye, I saw his expression suddenly drop when I said that before he sat up straight and looked out the window again.

I sighed and glanced at him again.

The wind was blowing through his face while his bangs being pushed a bit. His face was unreadable. I nearly forgot the Taehyung I knew before.

I wonder if I'll ever see it again...

...his real smile.


I've been noticing Sun Mi still glancing at me from time to time. I was actually a bit hurt when she said she didn't miss me even once.
Though she'd been on my mind when I was gone. I was worried on how she's doing.

The bell rang signalling it was dismissal time. Mr.Hyun left the room while everyone started packing their things and leaving the classroom. I was about to leave when I felt someone tug my sleeves. I turned around seeing Sun Mi facing the floor.

"What?" I asked.

"Why'd you suddenly come back?"

I snickered and shove my arm away.

"It's none of your business. And from what I know, I don't need to tell you if I would return or not."

I walked out of the classroom and decided to have a walk on the park first.

I sat by the swing pushing myself a bit when a kid approached me.

I looked at her and she was just staring at me.

"Why are you sad oppa?" she asked tilting her head.

I hummed and bent down to face her.

"Why'd you say that? Does oppa look sad?" I asked making her nod.

"When I'm sad I go to swing on this park because this place keeps me calm. You must be sad too because you're here."

I smiled a little and picked her up putting her in my lap.

"Oppa's fine. I'm just tired. How about you? Does this mean you're sad now?" I asked stroking her hair.

"Hm. Eomma and appa are fighting again."

I stared at her and thought of something to say.

"Ne oppa, how can I stop eomma and appa fighting? I don't want to see them fight anymore. Eomma always ends up crying and I don't want that."

She glanced at me with a teary eye.

"Well, I'm not really sure if you could really stop them from fighting but you can at least lessen it. Try talking to them and show them love as much as you can. They might realize that they're argue bothers you."

I gave her a warm smile as she wipe her eyes.

"Thanks oppa. I'll get back to my house now. I'll do what you said, thank you."

She hugged me which was a surprise but I also returned the hug.

"I'll be here in case something's wrong okay?"

She nodded with a smile and ran off. I watched her with a smile when I heard footsteps approaching me.

I turned to the side making my smile disappear.


Okay sorry guys for the very slow update. Examinations just ended and the schedule was very tight. I was getting stressed that's why I didn't get to update. Sorry for the long wait again and hope you enjoyed this. :)

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