The promise I made

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Its been a week since i talked to Sun Mi. We're at the classroom now and its past 10. I glance at Sun Mi and saw a tear dropped on her notebook.


I lowered my head and clenched my fist.

'Why do i have to go overboard? It was not my intention for shooting Suga or killing anyone. Why did i have to go too far? Why did i just realized all my mistakes now?'



I stopped from spacing out when my teacher yelled at me.

"MR. PARK, if you dont plan to listen to my lessons then i would prefer you not attending my class. GET OUT"

Ms. Kirasaki said as she pointed at the door.

Oh right. Ms. Kirasaki is our new teacher from japan and she doesnt know about my profile but i dont care about that anymore.

I stood up and just did what i was told when i over heard some girls whispering things about me.

"Jimin is acting strange this past week."

"Yeah. Hes not in his actual self. I wonder if something happened to him."

"I dont know why but im more creeped out now than before. Its just so sudden."

"Do you think hes planning to change?"

"What? For real? Him? Change? I dont even think its possible."

"Shush! Lower down your voices, he might hear us"

I looked at their direction and they suddenly went back to serious.

I lowered my head as i went out of the classroom.

I let out a big sigh and sat on the floor.

"What? For real? Him? Change? I dont even think its possible."

An echo rang to my head. I held my head as tears flow down my face.

'Why am i like this? I dont want to be this way forever. I want to change but is it even possible?'

I cried and cried as i was slowly loosing hope.

'Maybe im not worth being good after all."

I wiped my tears and let out a sigh.

I closed my eyes and let darkness swallowed me.

"Im sorry Jimin but i have to leave you."

I heard a girls voice.

'Where am I?'

I looked around when i spotted a small light.

I walked to it and it led me to a room.

"No. Dont leave me. I dont want to be alone. Please Mao-chan, dont leave me. I will try to be a better boyfriend so just please dont leave."


I saw myself.

I was on my knees holding her hand. Non stop tears run down my face.

'Why am i seeing this? Where am I?'

"Stop being selfish Jimin. Im not your property. Im not leaving you because you're not a good boyfriend. Im leaving you because..."

I watch myself and the lady infront of me.

'Who is she?'

I looked somewhere else when i found a picture. I went near it and picked it up. I stared at it for awhile when it all came back to me.

'Right...shes my first love. Mao Takashi. She left me 7 yrs ago. Shes the reason why im like this. Why i started to hate the world. Why i shut the world out. Why I hate girls. Girls are the worst. They meddle with peoples feelings and just throw it away after getting tired of it.'

I looked at the horrible scene i never wanted to see or even remember.

"Do you want to know the reason?"

She lifted my chin as i nod my head slowly.

'Dont agree you idiot.'

She leaned in near my ear.

I could hear her breathing.

I covered my ears not wanting to hear it but its no use.

'Because you're boring'

I heard it clearly. Covering my ears was no use.

I looked at my past self and there i was. Just looking at her. A tear escaped my eye and i dont even know why. It feels like im really back in the past.

"But...we were having so much fun. I did everything to make you happy."

She sighed and crossed her arms.

"Hmmm...maybe its just not enough."

'She really is heartless. I dont even know why i fell for her at the first place.'

"Not enough? I gave up everything for you to be happy and yet you're not satisfied? What else do you want?"

She looked at me so highly.

"Oh Jimin. Even though i tell you what i want, you cant do anything about it anymore. Neither you do what i want, the thing that you're boring wont change. To make it straight to the point is...Im sick of you"

Those words...made me broke into pieces. I loved her and this is what she'll do to me?

I didnt say anything but instead cry while hiding my face with my hands.

She kneeled to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Oh Jimin, dont cry. Thats how life is. I know that someday you'll understant too. A person cant stay with just one person forever. (#Walangforever XD) I know some people can, but not me. You'll find someone else, i know it"

"But you're the only one i love"

I whispered.

She stood up and i hear her scoff.

"I have to go now. My boyfriend is waiting."

She was about to head out the door when she turned back one last time and said her last words before going out and never coming back.

"Thank you for everything thou it was useless but i had fun. See ya."

She closed the door and walk out of my life forever.

I looked at my past self.

I was at the floor while kneeling.

I slammed my fist on the floor making my knuckles bleed and thats when i made a promised to myself.

"I promise to make everyone suffer. Im gonna make everyone pay. I hate girls. They're nothing but trash. They deserve to disappear from this world. I promise to make their life hell. Im gonna bring them pain and let everyone suffer."

I looked at myself once again as i started to feel dizzy.


I fall to the ground as i reach out my hand but darkness had already blocked out the light making me fall into a deep sleep.

Hi guys. Sorry for this whole Jimin chapter thing. I didnt even realize that it was all Jimins POV. I was gonna write someone else POV but i guess i just have to do it at the next chapter. Anyway...a little bit of spoil for the next chapter. There will be a particular person who will enter Jimins life. A new character XD yay! Anyway...thank you for making this story reach more than 16k reads♡♡. I hope you continue to support this story and stay tune XD~~~~ please follow me. Arigato/Kamsahabnida

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