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HI OMG. i'm so so so excited to be starting this new story!!! if you read hidden, this one is definitely a ton of notches down from that one so you'll have a break from all the chaos. but i promise this one will b interesting :))

also like i always say, the first couple chapters r gonna be boring bc it's j setting the scene and story up but-


i sit on my desk chair, my pen tapping the wooden desk repeatedly. i'm chewing on my bottom lip, staring down at papers.

"what if we call it...", i stop to think, "bittersweet?"

my new client, natalie, pops her head up, nodding. she recently posted an original on instagram and it caught a lot of attention. so now that she has fans, she's been working with me to produce her first album.

"i think it really works with the story you're telling through the songs.", i tell her, "and even though you've been promoting an album already to your fans, i think it'll grab a lot more attention."

"i love it.", she says with a smile, "thank you so much!"

i smile at her, writing the title down on my papers.

i glance at my computer screen, "release date is june 24th, correct?"

she nods her head again, "and the single comes out thursday at midnight?"

"yup!", i smile at her, standing up.

i straighten out my skirt, looking up and shaking the girls hand.

"i'll call you before the album release so we can review everything once more.", i inform her and she nods her head.

i watch as she grabs her bag and walks out of my office door. i let out a breath as i fall back into my chair. i sit for a moment, just staring off before sitting up right and filing her papers away.

i look up from the filing drawer when i hear a knock on my door.

"come in!", i call out, looking back to the drawer.

"hey are you busy?"

i look up to see my assistant, levi, walk through the door.

"no i just finished a meeting.", i reply, "what's up?"

"elizabeth wants to schedule another meeting about her upcoming ep...", he says and i suck in a breath.

letting the breath go, i say, "again?! i just saw her two days ago! what does she need?"

he shrugs his shoulders, looking at his work tablet, "she says...i need to talk to her about adding one more song to the ep."

i lean my elbows on the desk, rubbing my forehead with one hand. i blow air out of my cheeks and sit up, clicking to my schedule on my computer.

"i have meetings tomorrow and friday. i was gonna take the weekend off but i guess she can come in saturday.", i talk, levi typing on his tablet.

"okay. do you need anything?", he asks to which i shake my head.

he exits my office and i immediately get back to work. my job can be a bit overwhelming most of the time. and i never get breaks. technically i could because i'm practically my own boss but with working with so many popular and famous artists i just never get a chance.

when the clock hits 5pm i begin to pack up everything i need to take home in my bag. i shut off my computers, slinging my bag over my shoulder, and walking out of my office. i lock the door behind me and bid my goodbyes to my coworkers.

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