twenty six

432 14 77

HEY HEY!!!! hope ur all doing great!!!

counting down until the end of this book agh :///


{3 weeks later}

the sun is shining through my curtains and i squint my eyes open, feeling exhausted. last night was...a long night to say the least.

last night i was finishing up with the last minute details for the wedding because...she's getting married next week!!!

and also yesterday the realtor and i worked on closing the building!'s mine now! i'm so excited to finally get in there and start renovating and bringing my ideas to life.

not mention, ricky is also flying in today...with everyone else! i haven't seen him in three weeks and everyone else in...four years.

there's a ton going on right now but i've never been happier.

"ugh i can't wait for tonight.", i say.

ashlyn chuckles a little, "you're not bummed out you're not gonna spend it with ricky?"

i shake my head fast, "no ash! it's your bachelorette party! plus he'll be here for two weeks."

she smiles at me, "maybe he'll propose?"

i let out a breath, "probably not but—"

she smirks at me and i furrow my brows with a small chuckle.

"okay i gotta run. i have to pick ricky and everyone up from the airport.", i mention and i leave the call.

i do a little happy dance before standing up and sliding shoes on. i snatch my car keys from the counter and run out of my apartment.

when i arrive in the lobby, i'm so excited that i'm fast walking. i make it to my car and jump inside, the engine beginning to roar. i back out and begin driving down the roads, eager to get to the airport.

i park in a front row spot and get out. i'm walking towards the entrance to the airport and i feel nerves kick in.

they're good nerves though.

everything is...too perfect still.

the automatic doors slide open and i walk into the freezing airport air. i wrap my arms around myself in attempt to warm up.

my phone dings and i look at my screen, seeing ricky's text saying they've landed. a smile comes across my face and i find a good spot to stand. my foot anxiously taps against the tile flooring and my eyes stay glued to the boarding gate they'll come out of.

i hear some beeps and ringing and i look up from my phone, seeing people beginning to file out of the gate. i stand up right, rocking back and forth on my heels while my hands are clasped together.

i see brunette curls and my smile turns even bigger. behind him i see the curly, black haired girl and the curly brunette haired girl, and finally the blonde haired boy.

i begin running up to them and i see ricky's gaze meet mine. he takes his hand off his suitcase and opens his arms wide. i jump into them as he picks me up and i wrap my legs around him. i hug him tightly, feeling his arms on my back.

he puts me down, my smile still present.

"hey there", he chuckles.

"hi", i breath out with a smile.

i stand on my tippy toes, kissing his lips.

"i missed that.", i happily sigh.

i look behind him and ricky steps aside. my nerves begin running around my body and i clear my throat before a small smile appears.

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