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CHAPTER TWENTYYYY!!! this story is def gonna be a lot shorter than the other ones but that's okay- IFHSA


i open my eyes, yawning and covering my face from the bright sunlight shining through my sheer curtains.

i sit up right, taking my phone off its charger and glancing at my notifications.

i'm going back into my work office hopes of getting things off my mind and trying to feel normal inside.

i roll out of bed and walk over into my bathroom. i tie my hair back and wash my face, patting it dry and looking at myself in the mirror.

my under eye bags are extremely noticeable and my eyes look red. last night was...rough to say the least.

i let out a breath, grabbing my makeup and beginning to make myself look like i feel good on the inside.

i finish my makeup and hair about thirty minutes later. i walk into my closet and grab a pair of jeans and a white cropped top. i put that on, slipping white tennis shoes on, and throwing a black hoodie over my head.

the good thing about being my own i can wear whatever i want.

i grab my phone and walk into my kitchen where i grab an apple and a water bottle. i take my car keys off the counter and exit my apartment.


"i stayed up crying all night but i think we figured that'd happen.", i talk over the phone to carlos as i walk towards my office.

"i mean...what idiot kisses another girl while he's engaged?! especially if this girl still loves him.", i complain, waving to levi and entering my office.

i throw my things down on my desk and sit down, still holding my phone to my ear.

"how do you feel about him now?", carlos asks me and i let out a sigh.

"i don't know. everything is so mixed. i hate him...because he broke my heart...but then again i still love him because—", i stop and take a breath.


"because of the way he makes me feel...and the way he talked to me and treated me before our fight.", i explain, "i just don't think i'd love anyone more than him."

"so talk to him again nini. let the man explain.", carlos tell me, "because maybe it'll all work out."

"i don't know if i'm ready to talk to him again...and even if i was, i don't have his contact or anything."

he goes silent and i can almost see carlos looks at me with a 'you're joking' face.


"you have no way to contact him?", carlos repeats and i nod to myself, "okay so then where'd you find their engagement photo?"

i open my mouth before shutting it and letting out a breath, "carlos i am not sliding in his dms are you joking?!"

he chuckles, "whatever whatever. but you should probably go work...we'll talk later."

i nod my head and the call hangs up. i place my phone on my desk before i begin logging into my computers. i hear a knock on my door and i look up, motioning for the person to come inside.

levi walks through my office door and sits down at the chair in front of me.

"hey how're you?", i smile.

he nods, "i'm good! how was your trip? cut it short i see."

i suck in a breath, "'s a long story. but anyway, catch me up."

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