twenty seven

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HEYYY!!!! sooo i do have a little announcement sorta thing- if you didn't see it on my page here it is bc i need y'all's opinions since ur the ones who read my stories :)

basically since this story is coming to an end here soon...that means it's time for a new adventure w me KDHSJA

sooo ik fall/halloween time is just around the corner and i'd normally start a new story right after i finish one but i do LOVE to match stories w the current holiday/theme.

so the big question is: after sunkissed is officially over, do you guys want me to write a general story right after this OR do you want to wait until late august/early september for a story that's fall/halloween themed and would be written through the months of september and october?


{day before the wedding}

"nini we have a problem.", ashlyn speaks to me over the phone.

i'm sitting at my kitchen island, reviewing the wedding binder and preparing for the big day tomorrow.

"do i even wanna know what it is?", i groan.

"the caterer...they cancelled on us.", ashlyn croaks out, "i don't know what to do and-"

"what. you're joking right?", i ask in shock.

"nope. i just got off the phone with them and i had to call you."

"it's the day before the wedding! how in the world—", i exclaim, rubbing my opposite hand over my face, "okay don't panic...i'll find someone else...but you just need to relax and prepare for tomorrow."

"thank you. you're the best.", she replies and i hang up the call, setting my phone down on the counter.

i bite my lip and let out an angry breath, slamming my pen down and pushing the binder across the counter. i cross my arms on the counter and lay my head in between them.

soon i feel a hand on my back and i lift my head to see ricky looking down at me.

"hey what's wrong?", he asks in a soft tone, sitting in the chair next to me.

"the caterer—they cancelled and now i have to find another one and it's literally the day before the wedding and—", i feel my eyes stinging with how stressed i am over this, "i want her to have the perfect wedding but it's just like-"

"hey hey hey take a breath, okay?", ricky says, putting his hands on my arms, "it's okay...we have all day to plan. i'll help you, don't stress."

i lean forward, my forehead lying against the middle of his chest. his hands rub my back and i let out a small breath, sitting up.

he moves the strands of hair out of my face and begins attacking my face with kisses. i giggle and catch his face in my hands. our eyes lock together and i smile at him.

"i love you.", i say, "but now it's time to plan."

he fake frowns and i chuckle at him while shaking my head. i open my laptop screen and begin searching for a new caterer while ricky does the same next to me.


"hi yes can you cater tomorrow evening...around 7-9pm?", i speak over the phone.

i bite my lip anxiously as i wait for a response.

"um...yes we have people open. on our website you need to fill out a form that includes the occasion and location and all of that. you can also pick the food options and everything.", the lady responds.

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