Chapter one

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Narrators pov
The boys just arrived at there new home. Unlike the other homes they have stayed in, this one will be there home for a few months instead of a few weeks.
Right now manager Ty is speaking

"Okay guys, I know your exited to find out who your roommates are but first there are rules."Manager Ty says.

The guys all boo him, annoyed that Ty says the rules every time they go to a new house.

"Yea yea I know, but they need to be set. Rule one! 9 am meetings, do not be late to them! Rule number two, do not break anything that isn't yours! And rule number three, after u finish your food wash your dishes instead of piling them up."

The room is silent, with all of the members waiting for the announcement on who the roommates are.

"Now roommates." Ty says
"Woooooh!!!!" The boys jump up and down. They then get quiet to hear there roommates.

"First we have Justin. Your roommate is Darren."

Justin groans with a smile, not a happy smile, a smile where he is questioning life at the moment. While Justin groans the rest of the members laugh at him, for getting stuck with Darren.

"Aye aye I had to deal with that last time, it's your turn jp." Ryan says with a grin

"Who's my roommate?" Ollie says

"Your roommate is Regie."

"WHAT! There best friends! Your telling me he gets to be roommate with his best friend while I'm stuck with Darren's sus ass!" Justin once again complains

Ryan, seb, and Kane all start laughing, while Regie and Ollie dab eachother up, and Darren just stands there waiting for the announcements to be over.

"Oh so it's funny! Ty who is Ryan's roommate!"Justin yells, hoping it's someone Ryan wouldn't want to be roommates with.

"Ryan's roommate is Sebastian. Kane your roommate is me, and Bae is rooming with angel."

"So your telling me, all of u have roommates your cool with, while I'm stuck with Darren. DARREN!"

"Yup, good luck with that" ty says with a slight chuckle

"Don't be so mad Justin, I'll make being roommates worth your wild." Darren winks.
Justin roles his eyes and runs up the stares while Darren runs after him.

"Come back daddy! I need u!" Darren yells.

Everyone else laughs.
A few minutes later everyone has chosen there rooms.

The rooms are now situated.

In seb and Ryan's room
Sebastian's pov

I'm not entirely sure on how I feel about being roommates with Ryan. I mean he is my friend but he is closed off to himself. I like affection he doesn't, I love talking about random things, while he likes to be left alone. How are we suppose to share the same room let alone the same bed for a few months?

"Sebastian Moy." Ryan says annoyed
"Huh? Oh sorry... I was zoned out." Seb scratches the back of his head nervously, not sure on what to say or do

"Are you okay? U seem... conflicted..."

"Yea I'm good, just thinking. Um u we're saying?" Seb responses

"What side of the bed do u want and what side of the room do u want your pc at"

"Oh I don't care whatever side u want"

To be honest I don't care, the truth is I'm also scared of Ryan a little. We're friends, somewhat close but not close if that makes since. He seems seriously chill and I love getting his reactions on camera, but we have never really been left alone for long

Ryan's pov
I don't know why Seb is acting weird. It's not like we haven't talked before. I mean sure we're different, but it's not like we aren't friends right ? Wait does he not want to be friends? Fuck I'm already over thinking.

Ryan sighs trying not to overthink, but Ryan's sigh makes Seb question if he did something to upset Ryan.

"Are u okay?" Seb asks, concerned
"Yea.... I'm gonna head to sleep"
"Oh so am I... what side did u choose?" Seb says, standing infront of the bed with his stuffed animal and pillow.

"I'm gonna sleep on the right."
"Okay goodnight ryan"
"Night Seb"

How they went to sleep

Both boys went to sleep back to back, not sure on how to sleep since it's there first time sharing a room together

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Both boys went to sleep back to back, not sure on how to sleep since it's there first time sharing a room together.

It was awkward for both of them. Both boys were overthinking on if they we're making the other uncomfortable, or if the other was okay
with sharing a room with them.

Is this a good story so far? Like fr fr should I continue it, it will get better I just wasn't sure on how to start this, I wanted to make it like how Ryan was before and make it like Seb changed him into how he is now, and lore comfortable with everyone... is this good so far? Please leave a comment on it

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