Chapter 14

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SO BEFORE I START THIS YES THIS IS A CHAPTER. But I would like to know, if I were to make any other stories that aren't nsb related would you read them? No I'm not saying this is ending or not ending I'm just asking would u guys once this story is over?
Anyways into the story
It's currently 8:45
Baes pov
Visions of Tyler clouded my mind. There werent like usual images of him though. Not in a way you would think of your friend like. I can't help but imagine him shirtless, with his hand on my neck whispering words into my ear. What's wrong with me why do I keep thinking of things like this?

Ever since he told me what to do in a dominant voice I can't help but see him differently.

I slowly start to wake up with the smell of Ty's cologne. I thought I was imagining it seeing as ty and I don't sleep in the same room.

But there he was. As soon as my eyes opened they fell on his lips.

And that's when I realized.

I fell asleep with Tyler and I didn't know.

His hand was around my waist with his head on my shoulder.

Why was I in his room? Did we do anything last night? No he would never do something with me. Plus I think I would remember if me and Tyler did anything.

I shouldn't be staring at him, I have to get up anyways, it's almost time for the 9am meeting.

Why wasn't he up? He's always up no matter where he sleeps.

Shit do I have to wake him up?! Wont that be awkward... what if he thinks we did something! What if he gets mad at me for sleeping in his bed? I mean he had to put me here cause I don't remember coming in here, but what if he regrets it.

I mean it's not like we slept slept together, so it won't be awkward right?

Maybe not for him... but for me? I don't know, he has me feeling so many emotions and it's so weird and random, they came so all of a sudden.
I slowly start to move, trying to get out the room, so that I can walk back in pretending that we didn't fall asleep in the same bed.

But Tyler stops me.

He tightens his grip on my waist, and lets a morning gasp out, which sounds like a moan. His voice sounding deep when he first wakes up.
"Tyler you have to get up, it's almost 9"

"Nooo, I'm tired bae" Ty whines

God why was that hot

"Tyler. Come on." I say, trying to be demanding but it's not working seeing as he doesn't move.


"Bae, please I want to sleep, come back over here" Tyler says as he pats the side of the bed I was on

"W-what, no come on get up"

"No, 5 more minutes, please lay with me I'm sleepy" he asks.

Why's he have to be so adorable

"Only 5 minutes." I agree, he would have slept anyway if I didn't so why not
I don't usually go to sleep after I wake up, but I was up late last night and im tired so that's what I did. I slept.
I was fast asleep until I heard Tyler.

I slowly wake up once again.

"Mmmm bae, fuckkk u feel so good"

Did he just- no he couldn't, there's no way he's dreaming of me right? Maybe he's talking about a girl and calling her bae? Or maybe he meant me as a hug or cuddle or something?

Why would he think of me in the way I think of him, There's no way he thinks of me like that right?
Once I finally get out of my thoughts and stop blushing, I realize the time.

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