Chapter 28

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Y'all make my day, like I could be a bad mood and seeing your comments make me smile thank u so freaking much!!!!! I love u all!!!

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Y'all make my day, like I could be a bad mood and seeing your comments make me smile thank u so freaking much!!!!! I love u all!!!

Y'all make my day, like I could be a bad mood and seeing your comments make me smile thank u so freaking much!!!!! I love u all!!!

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And now
Regies pov
I never thought that I could be loved

Usually I'm used for my looks or because of my feelings

On the outside I'm nonchalant, no one thinks I really care even when it comes to my feelings

But on the inside, things hurt

I've always felt like I would be alone expeshilly because of the way I speak towards people without thinking

I NEVER thought Oli would like me back or even be interested in me

So to feel his lips on mine, it feels amazing

Without thinking I connect my lips even more to his, his hand went down to my jawline as I push his head towards mine

I don't think I could ever get enough of him, ever

After a few minutes of making out we couldn't breathe, so we decided to take a break

Oli was red looking towards me and it only made me want him more, who wouldn't want Oli? He's adorable, cute, hot, kind, smart, and is selfless, and don't get me started on his beautiful smile
"You kissed back" he said, smiling as looked at me

"Yeah, why wouldn't I?" I chuckled did he not think I would?

"I don't know, I didn't know u would kiss me, or think u could feel the way I feel for u" Oli replied, slowly his eyes looked down to the floor, as he scratched the back of his head just like his brother when he is nervous

"And how do u feel for me Oli? I replied, going towards him whispering in his ear with a smirk, seeing how nervous I make him

"I- I like you, more then a friend regie" he replied, looking at the floor completely

Before I could get a word out he started talking again, this time he sounded like a dumbass

"But I understand if u don't feel the way I do, it could have just been a heat in the moment thing for u, or u just being nonchalant and-"

Before Oli said another word I kissed him

After our tounges intertwined I let go

I held the back of his neck making him look towards me

"How could u think I don't like u? What's there not to like?"

"Your amazing Oli, and I'm head over heals for u dumbass" I replied, smiling as he smiled

God, that smile could control my life forever and I'd let it

All he'd have to do is smile, or even laugh, and id do anything for him. Not like I wouldn't already

"Good" he replied

Which only made me chuckle, and him laugh

We both decided that we should get some sleep, tomorrow we're going to talk about everything and decide what to do with our feelings, weather or not to go slow with a relationship, or try and have a relationship even in-front of the boys
Tyler's pov
I didn't mean to but I over heard regie talking to Oli

He was telling Oli how he should follow his heart, do things for him Not others, to think about himself for once

Could I do that? Could I follow my heart and tell bae the truth, or do I jeopardize everything for the boys

My body took control, and decided to walk towards bae door

I want to talk to him I do, I want to tell him everything

But I can't

He is probably asleep, and he told me to leave him alone

Right now I'm going to do so

Maybe tomorrow, maybe when he is calm I can talk to him

I can't loose him

I love the guys, and I hope they understand and are okay with me being gay and in a possible relationship while managing

Either way I need to tell bae the truth

I can't loose him

I can't break my own heart anymore
I need him
End of chapter
Things are wrapping up babes!

The next chapter will be about everyone, and a longgggg thing on seb and Ryan seeing as this is a story about them

Honestly I feel like this sucks, I feel like I focus on everyone else but seb and ryan? Am I doing a bad job?

Should I even attempt to write another story even if it's not nsb babes?

I love writing, I just feel like I'm not good at it

Please let me no in the comment if I should attempt another story after this

I love u babes!

Thank u for everything and all the support on this story! It's not over yet!

Have a good morning, day, or night babes!

Bye babes!

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