Chapter 23

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"What's going on?" Seb asked
And now
Ryan was now standing with a box in his hand, as he stared at seb

Seb was looking back, he was confused, why did Ryan pull him back into the car? What was going on? Why did everyone else leave?

"There's two more questions, and it's for me and you" Ryan replied, as he sat in the car and put the box onto his lap, facing towards towards seb

The camera was still recording
"Oh" seb replied, he wasn't sure what to do, Ryan had been ignoring him for a while now, and all of a sudden he wants to answer questions about them? What was the sudden change

"Here" Ryan said, he passed the phone to seb so he could read the question out loud

Seb started scratching the back of his neck, being in the car alone with Ryan was nerve wracking

While Ryan's face was calm, his heart was beating fast

He didn't know if seb would agree with him or not, he didn't no if he would say yes or no? What if I already fucked it up? With if I can't fix it? I can't loose him, ryan thought

"Q-question one. What's been going on With seb and Ryan, is sebryan Real?" Seb read aloud

His face was shocked as he read it, he couldn't bare to look at Ryan. He knew Ryan's answer would be no. After all he won't even talk about the kiss between them. Seb looked towards the camera. He couldn't do it, he had to save himself the humiliation, he wouldn't let Ryan hurt him again.

Seb tried to get out of the car once again, but before his foot got out Ryan spoke

"I fucked it up." Ryan replied to the question

Seb looked back confused, what was he talking about

"Me and seb have been roommates for a little bit, and I'm not gonna lie he changed me. I never liked affection, or physical touch. When sebs dumbass became my roommate, he made me like it."

Seb was lost of words, he continued to stare at Ryan, Ryan looked at seb for a brief moment before continuing his answer

"Seb kissed me. And I kissed him back, I fucked it up though. I never let him talk about it, and I made him feel like I hated him. I never meant to." Ryan replied

"W-what?" Was all seb could say, he was shocked, was he apologizing?

"Truth be told, I was scared, I was scared of what others would think of me and if they would accept me for being gay. What I realized to late,was that the only opinion I should have cared about was sebs."

Ryan was now looking into sebs eyes, a slight tear had formed into sebs, he was confused.

Did Ryan actually like him? Does he feel the same way I feel? Was I wrong about Ryan? Was Justin right?

"Sebs opinion was the only one that should have mattered, because I fell for him. Im In love with Sebastian moy" Ryan said, all while staring at seb, he looked so cute with his shy face, his pink hair was in just the right places

A few fly away a in the front and the rest of his hair in the back

Seb was shocked, he never knew why Ryan ignored him, he always thought he hated him

But it turns out Ryan is In love with him

How could he know the truth? How could he no if Ryan truley loved him

"H- how do I no your telling the truth. You ignored me, you made me feel like you hated me. I thought i was stupid. I thought I was your play thing, I felt useless, I felt betrayed. How do I know you love me, how could I no your not playing me Ryan?" Seb was now letting his feelings out, he had to he was done keeping his emotions in

He needed to let it out

"Seb I know I hurt you, I'm sorry. I never meant to hurt you. I was confused. It's hard for me to talk to people about my emotions, I- I was scared of being judged. That's why I keep to myself, no one can truly judge you when they don't know you. It hurts more when they do..." ryan replied

He knew the only way for seb to know the truth, was for him to open up, something only Justin knew about

And now, seb, the only person Ryan's ever felt this for, the only person he has fallen for, the only man he's fell for, now knows the truth

"I love you seb, I've never been in love, but I know it. I feel it. I've never felt like this for anyone before and I don't want to. Seb I love you and only you, I know it sounds cringey and it's not me... but this is what u did to me"

Ryan replied, seb could tell he was telling the truth, Ryan's eyes glowed as he talked to seb,  the facial expressions, were a huge give away because Ryan doesn't just make facial expressions because he wants to, it's a habit of his to show how he feels on his face. Seb  was shocked, Ryan opened up to him, he's never done that

Maybe Ryan really does love him

"Here" Ryan replied he looked nervous, what if he was to let, what if- what I'd Ryan already moved on

Seb opened the box that Ryan handed him

He pulled out the squishmellow's that was in the box. One was a ghost from the nightmare before Christmas, and the other was a little hamster with a donut in the middle of it

"Awwwww!!!! It's so cute!!!!" Seb gasped

Ryan chuckled as seb gasped, he found it cute

"What?" Seb asked


"Ok..." seb replied, he looked nervous as he replied to Ryan

Seb pulled out the next thing, which was his favorite candy

"How did u get this! It's like an hour away to get it!" Seb yelled, he was happy

"Me and Oli drove to the store, I know it's your favorite, you always talking about how your craving it" ryan replied, This time ryan was nervous, he scratched his neck as seb looked at him

"Thank you" seb replied

"Uhm, open the next thing" Ryan replied, trying to avoid the silence in the car

Seb nodded and gulped as he opened the last thing in the box

"Y-your favorite hoodies?" Seb asked, he looked into Ryan's eyes as he asked the question

This made Ryan nervous, did he no like it? He couldn't tell, sebs facial expression was hard to read

"Y-yeah, you steal them all the time, so I thought you would want them" Ryan replied

"I- I get it if you don't like it, i fucked up I understand if you already moved on" Ryan said
Ryan felt guilty, he knew he fucked it up

He messed up the only good thing he has, he hurt the person he was in love with, someone who also loved him back

He hurt the only person who made him feel something, the person he would risk everything for

Or did he?
End of chapter

Ik im late babes, I'm sorry I had writters block and no motivation

I hope this is okay, I tried I think I did bad on it, I know it's not good and it's not the best but I hope you liked it

Bye babes! I hope u have an amazing day, night, or morning

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