Chapter 9

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*knock knock*

No answer had come. Seb decided to walk into the room, seeing as ty had texted him to get Ryan.

Seb walked in the room, anxiety filled as he entered, Ryan was on the game playing Valerant.

But that's not what seb was nervous about, seb was nervous at Ryan's facial expression. It was the same facial expression he had 30 mins ago. A pissed off one. Yes Ryan gets mad at the game but that look. Seb had never seen when it came to a game. Thing was, was is the game that caused his pissy face or was he still mad about who knows what

"Ryan" Seb said nervously

Ryan didn't respond.

Seb walked towards him a little trying not to get close to the pissed of Ryan. He knew Ryan would never hurt him, but he didn't want to anger him more then he already was.

"Ryan..." Seb said once again, his hand scratching the back of his head trying to calm his anxiety.

Seb had called his name once more, Ryan didn't respond.

Seb was getting annoyed, he quickly took Ryan's headphones off, and turned his game off.

Ryan turned around, looking extremely pissed.

Seb was in deep shit, and he didn't know why.

"What the fuck." Ryan said calmly.

That's what scared seb even more. Calmly. He said it calmly. Nothing is more scarier then a calm pissed off person.

"You weren't responding..." Seb said quietly

"And that didn't give you the hint that I don't want to talk to you." Ryan replied bluntly

Ouch. That hurt seb thought, he wasn't sure what he did wrong, why was Ryan mad, was he mad at him?

"I- sorry... Urm ty told me to get you, all of us have to go to the store." Seb said looking down fiddling with his fingers.

Ryan's face was still cold, deep down he felt bad, did he hurt seb? But his jealousy couldn't help how he felt.

"Why does everyone have to go. Why can't I stay home." Ryan replied, a little calmer, but still cold

"I- ty said we're going to kbbq afterwards..." Seb replied slowly looking up, scratching his neck once again.

"Fine" Ryan said, walking past seb and downstairs. Seb was lost, why was he so mad? What did he do?
Meanwhile in Darren and Justin's room
*knock knock*

No answer had come.

Darren walked in, unlike seb he wasn't nervous. He didn't feel as he should be, he didn't realize Justin was pissed.

"Didnt me not answering tell u I didn't want u in here." Justin replied looking the opposite way.

"Why. What's the problem now?" Darren said, annoyed on how Justin just spoke to him.

"You. I don't want to talk to you." Justin said, turning towards Darren. A blank expression on his face.

"Okay. Why is that?" Darren said taking a step towards Justin.

"What. Do u want Darren." Justin replied, avoiding the question

"I don't know why your being a ass at the moment, but ty told me to get you, oh and I wanted to check on you but obviously I shouldn't have. Be down stairs he wants us all to go to the store then Korean bbq." Darren replied, as he walked out the door slamming it.
Justin just stood there, shocked at Darren, he never got mad at him like that but yet again Justin never got mad at Darren like that either.

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