Chapter 3

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"What?" Seb said smiling, trying to hide his blush
He was confused not only on why Darren would say that but why he was happy thinking he could be with Ryan.

Ryan had looked down, trying not to say anything. Justin his bestfriend noticed and smiled.

Oliver noticed his brother was hiding something, he knew he needed to talk to his brother in private later.

"You no what I mean" Darren says winking

"Ayo" Justin says trying to change the subject

"Ty how are we getting cuffed tomorrow" Justin asks

"I'll explain that tomorrow. Darren since u where late can u make dinner?" Ty says

"Yea I guess" Darren reply's

"I'll help" Justin says, everyone shocked. Justin has been complaining about hanging with Darren now he's volunteering the one time he can be away from him.

"What? I thought u would wanna be alone?" Darren says

"I was late to, mines we'll help." Reply's Justin

"I would help but I have to edit the vlog I'm sorry" Kane adds

"It's fine, y'all go enjoy life while I'm stuck with this dumbass" Justin laughs

Everyone laughs, and leaves.  Except Darren.

"Why did U volunteer if u hate me?" Darren ask while pulling taco meat out of the fridge

"I already told u, and who said I hate u?" Justin ask turning the stove on, while getting the pots and utensils out

"You" Darren responds looking a little sad

"Darren you know I don't mean it when I say that right? I love u man, your my bro" Justin responds, feeling guilty on making him sad

"Oh... okay" darren looks a little sadder while putting the meat on the stove, moving it around

Justin turned darren around, pulling his waist close to his.

Justin hold Darren's chin pulling it down to look at him since Darren is taller then him and was looking the other way.

"What wrong?" Justin says confused

"W-what? N- nothing" Darren says stuttering to how close he was

"U okay? Your face is getting red man"

"W-what yea, um let's get back to cooking I can feel the heat from the stove"

"Okay,l Justin says smiling with a blushing Darren looking down at the food trying to contain himself

I know this was a short chapter and ik I haven't updated in a few days I'm sorry. I decided to make this one a little more about Darren and Justin, the next chapter will be about seb and Ryan and everyone else but mainly seb and Ryan. I just wanna include the other characters as well

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