Chapter 8

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The next day had arrived quickly for most of the boys, seeing as most of there night was spent thinking of the one they where shipped with, where they really cute? Do they have feelings for each-other, or is the ship just getting to them. All questions had ran in and out there minds replaying over and over again.

Seeing as most of the boys ended up sleeping, most of them woke up on time. While seb being one who only got an hour of sleep, had slept in.

Ryan had woken up, and seen the sleepy boy sleeping. He decided not to wake him as he looked peaceful. He knew seb didn't get much sleep as he tossed and turned all night thinking Ryan was asleep, meanwhile Ryan was staring at the wall questioning the same questions seb had. The only thing Ryan didn't understand was why seb was having trouble sleeping.

It had been 15 minutes after Ryan came down stairs and joined the guys to eat, they all seemed to stay a little quieter then usual.

That was until Oli was half way down the stairs, but realized his brother was no where to be found.

"Where's seb?" Oli asked

"Hes sleeping, I don't think he got much sleep last night" Ryan replied

"Ohhhh and why is that Ryan?" Darren replied with a smirk

Ryan rolled his eyes as it was to early in the morning.

"I can go get him if u want" Ryan replied, desperately trying to get out of Darren's joke.

"No it's okay, I need to talk to him anyway" Oli said.

A second before he went upstairs he felt the need to look at his roommate. Oli quickly glanced at regie who was already looking at him, with his hoodie on, and a sleepy face.

As Oli was walking upstairs his mind questioned everything about him and regie. Meanwhile regie was staring at Oli walking up to sebs room. He couldn't take his eyes off him. That was until Oli wasn't in his sight anymore.

Regie began to over think as well, but quickly pushed it aside as he seen Kane smirking at him. Kane noticed everything. Did he notice me staring at Oli? Regie asked himself.

All the boys continued eating as if they weren't overthinking.

In seb and Ryan's room.

*knock knock*
No answer.

Seeing as seb was olis brother he just went in.
Seb was sleeping, sprawled out across the bed.

Oli decided to go with a approach he always went with when his mom needed him to wake seb up.

Oli quickly jumped on the bed.

Seb started moving around a lot but his eyes where still shut.

Oli decided to hug seb. As he was about to yell into his ear he heard seb say "Ryan?" Oli froze. This only may his subspision right. Does seb like Ryan? Does Ryan like him back?

Oli the yelled in his brother ear. "WAKE UPPPPPP"

"AH" Seb quickly woke up eyes opened and all. He shot up quickly after hearing his brother yell in his ear.

"Why" Seb replied, his sleepy voice taking over as he rubs his eyes.

"You slept in and I needed to talk to u"  Oli replied sitting on the bed next to seb.

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