Chapter 26

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Baes pov
After recording the video, we all decided to leave the car, for seb and Ryan to do there thing

In all honesty I was happy that Ryan was apologizing, and making things right after he told us what he did, at least someone in this house can be happy

After Ryan told us what he did it had me thinking, could that be the reason Ty is ignoring me? But that's when realization hit me, Ty doesn't give a shit what anyone thinks about him, and he sure as hell couldn't like me more than a friend
I've been in my room laying on my bed thinking, while Angel played the game screaming and yelling, I was use to his anger issues towards the game by now that it didn't faze me

If ty wants to ignore me then he can ignore me, I'll just do what I've been doing, ignore him back

Like I've said before, if he wants to be petty then I'll be petty back

The only thing that bothers me about this whole thing is why he is ignoring me. We didn't kiss like seb and Ryan, there's no reason for him to ignore me

So why?

After causing my brain to hurt from over thinking I decided to head down stairs to get a drink of water before going to bed
The lights down stairs were off, but I felt someone was there, it was weird, there were a little taller then me but also bald?

I had seen the presence of whoever it was move

The light turned on and that's when he screamed

"What the fuck!" Regie yelled

"Damit regie don't scare me like that!" I screamed, there goes 10 years of my life

"Scare u! You almost made me shit myself cuh!" Regie yelled back

After hearing what regie said we both busted out laughing, it was funny for some odd reason

"TMI reg tmi" I responded, a slight smile appeared on my face seeing we're always up at night to get food or drinks before sleeping, usually Darren and Kane are down here too, but I guess Darren didn't feel like it, and Kane somehow went to sleep with his odd sleep schedule

After I got my water, I decided to sit down, with regie doing the same

"Why u down here?" Regie asked

"Why am I always down here" I replied, a slight chuckle coming from my mouth as I did

"U seem down tho cuh"

"Nah I'm good, just tired" I replied, I don't even know why I'm down about ty, so how would I explain it to him?

"Oh, we'll imma head up, long day today, u should get some sleep to bro" regie responded

Maybe he was right, maybe it was just a long day

"Alright, night reg" I replied

"Night bae" regie said, all while yawning and walking towards the stairs

I had turned around hunched over the island with my glass of water and my phone

I heard foot steps come from behind me so I assumed it was regie remembering he forgot something

Little did I know, I was very fucking wrong
"Guess you forgot something reg?" I asked, not yet turned around

"Sorry I'm not regie" Ty replied, a small smile appearing on his face as I turned around

My heart began to thump seeing his beautiful pearly white teeth

Focus bae focus

Why is he not ignoring me right now? Yet he ignores me with everyone else? He's so fucking confusing!

Without realizing I breathed in with a slight huff, as my eye's slightly rolled towards the back of my head

"Problem?" Ty asked, slowly stepping towards me

"You" I responded

Did I really just say that?! Where is this confidence from? Gosh dammit he being outs my confidence too?!

Why the fuck does he have to be so perfect and ignore me

"Explain" Ty responded, his voice sounding as if he is in a meeting, stern like, yet somehow soft
End of chapter

Bye babes! Have a good day night or morning!

I know this is short but remember!!!! SUSPENSE
And yes I know, this was not the best but I hope with it is okay

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