Chapter 12

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Narrators pov
Everyone had finally come downstairs to go for there daily boba run.

Ty had separated everyone into the cars due to there being to much people for one car.

Oli and regie where in the car with Justin Angel, and Darren

With Both Oli and regie to lost in there thoughts to realize what was happening infront of them.

All while Angel sat quietly driving, confused on the tension in the car.

You see Darren knew Justin read his message, Justin told him to talk to him when he was ready, so why was Justin ignoring him now?

Justin sat quietly in the car while darren stared at him, thinking about what Kane said

Do I like Justin? Darren thought
Meanwhile in the other car sat Kane, manager Ty, bae, seb, and Ryan, seeing as their car was bigger they could fit more people in it.
Kane had volunteered to drive since he knew everything that was going on in the house was stressing everyone out.

Ty was busy making meetings, while next to him sat bae editing on his phone.

Behind him sat Seb and Ryan.

Seb couldn't help but think about how Ryan made him feel. No one had ever made him feel the way Ryan did. No one made seb shy, not the way Ryan does.
While seb thought about Ryan. Ryan was to busy thinking about seb. He knew seb had power over him, that seb just didn't no. If seb asked him for a hug he would give it to him even tho he doesn't like hugs.

For some reasons sebs hugs were different. They were home for Ryan.

If seb asked him to get him food he would. Ryan knew he would do anything for seb. And that was the problem. He was getting close to seb. To close for his liking. He was never this close with someone, not the way he was close with seb.
While everyone was lost in their own worlds Kane and Angel had pulled up to the Boba shop.
It took a few minutes for everyone to get out of there thoughts.

Angel was confused for shit, but Kane wasn't seeing as he knows everything.
Everyone headed into the boba shop and ordered. Everyone was now sitting down.

Bae across from ty, seb across from Ryan. Oli across from regie, Kane next to Angel, and Justin across from Darren.

Angel and Kane sat talking.

Seb sat across from Ryan, blushing, and trying not to look at Ryan seeings as Ryan sat there smirking at seb.

Oli was lost in thought while regie stared at him, trying to figure out his feelings for Oli.

Bae was to busy editing that he didn't realize Ty's eyes were on him. Once he realized his face had gone red, and his phone had shut off.

Justin looked everywhere but at Darren. While Darren texted Justin to see if he checks it.

He did.

Justin read the messege but he knew he couldn't respond. How could he? How could he respond to Darren, while he was questioning why Darren was mad? How could he talk to him without yelling at him. How could he hear Darren's thoughts on him knowing Darren would never understand how Justin feels about him. It didnt matter why Darren was mad. It mattered that he was mad at Justin. Justin just didn't understand why. And because of that, he knew Darren would never feel the way he feels for him.

What did justin feel for him?
Justin's thoughts were interrupted as Darren said something, taking all the boys attention doing so.

"Justin can I speak to u real quick?" Darren asked, his eyes softening, while his voice was sturn.

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