Chapter 24

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Previously on Sebryan

Previously on Sebryan

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And now
"What are you talking about?" Seb asked, now confused on what Ryan meant

Did Ryan really think he moved on? He doesn't no how much he loves him does he

"I distanced myself from you, I ignored you, and I heard you talking to Darren and Justin" Ryan replied, his voice sounded soft as he spoke to the dark haired boy

"I heard how badly I hurt you, I heard what you said, I heard you cry. It broke me knowing I hurt you. I was trying so hard not to have my family hate me, I tried hard to think I wasn't in love with you, I hurt not only myself but u in the process. How could I not love you? Your perfect. You make me feel, you make me feel like I'm a human being, your brought me out of my shell and still are. And yes my parents might now accept me but as long as you do, I don't care what anyone else thinks. I just wish it didn't take me this long and this many tears for me to realize and for you to find out. I'm sorry seb, I complete understand if u moved on"
Ryan said, his head was down as his voice sounded desperate yet soft, you could hear all of the emotions that he held in side, the emotions he tried to avoid, the ones seb brought out.
"I-I didn't know you heard me... thank you for the apology, but I do understand what you mean. I mean you were and still are coming out of your shell, i understand it was probably hard To deal with alone, with the emotions and feelings coming out of the blue. I had my brother, and you, you didn't have anyone to open up to, and I'm sorry for that

"Also I love the gifts, expeshily the hoodies, knowing I'm in your hoodie I feel safe, plus you smell good" seb said with a little laugh

"And for the record..... I- I haven't moved on" Seb said, scratching the back of his neck as doing so

Hearing those words, Ryan lifted his head up, his eyes glowed as he looked into sebs, you could the the love and affection the two boys have from each-other up close and from afar

Ryan's heart began to quicken, the only thing on his mind was seb, well that and the smile seb returned

Ryan leaned in, his left elbow was on the middle part of the from seat, the thing where you can lift up. While his right hand lifted up and gently, cupped sebs face

Sebs face began to turn red as Ryan did so, seb leaned in a little just so Ryan understood he wanted it too

"Can I kiss you?" Ryan asked, he wanted to make sure seb was okay with kissing him

"No I leaned in so I could back out" seb said sarcasticly with a small smile

"Your cute." Ryan replied

Seb blushed hearing those words come from Ryan's mouth

Before seb could say anything, Ryan connected his lips with sebs. Both Ryan and seb fought for dominance, but in the end Ryan won

There tounges danced with one another until they backed out to breath

Both men were a sloppy mess looking at one another, both nervous, the only difference was seb was blushing showing his butterflies, while Ryan had his resting bitch face on, while his heart and head screamed

Ryan leaned in one again, putting his right hand at the bottom of sebs chin and jawline

Thinking Ryan was going to kiss him sebs face brightened red like a tomato

"You'll pay for that response by the way" ryan replied with a smirk, his voice sounding husky as he said that

Ryan exited the car leaving a blushing seb in the car as he gulped wondering yet knowing what ryan meant

And he loved it
End of chapter

Ik babes it's short but it's to create suspense! Also I know I haven't written on a while busy week and I'm lazy, not a excuse!

There might be a chapter uploaded later tonight

Bye babes! Have a good night day or morning, thank u for the support, it makes me happy knowing I'm doing something right, I love y'all, and I know I don't know u but I love the support you give, thank u so much!

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