Chapter 16

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The meeting had ended, turns out everyone was okay, or so they said.
Justin's pov
In Darren and Justin's room
After the meeting ended, which felt like an eternity, I quickly ran to the room. I couldn't take it.

I can't help the overthinking

Why did he pull away? Did I do something wrong? Is it my fault? Does he think it was a mistake? What if I really was a play thing. What if he was just being sus towards me because he saw the way I felt towards him.

I had been overthinking so much that I hadn't realized I was pacing around.

"Justin stop. Get yourself together."

"Darren means nothing to u"

"Darren means nothing to me"
I didn't mean that. He means to much to me to ever repeat those words again. Just me alone hearing that broke my heart. I know I could never say that to someone. Because I know the truth is. It's a lie. I'm in love with him. And I have to stop denying that. I have to stop overthinking it.

Darren made the first move.

Maybe now it's my turn.
Darren's pov
Justin ran up to our room as soon as the meeting ended.

Maybe he needed to shit?

No one else seemed to realize how quickly he left, seeing as there to lost in there own worlds. But I did notice.

I need to talk to Justin about it. I need to confess to him, to tell him why I kissed him.

To tell him the truth.

I'm in love with him.
Why am I so nervous? Why am I walking so slowly towards our room? What if he doesn't want me back?

No he does right? Ik he does, why else would he react the way he does when I'm around him.

I had gotten so lost in thought that I hadn't realized I arrived to our bedroom door.
Darren went to the door knob to open the door, but quickly stopped as he heard the words.

"Darren means nothing to you. Nothing to me."
*back to Darren's pov*

How could I be so stupid!

I really thought he liked me back, I thought he kissed me back because he liked me.

It turns out I never meant anything to him.

Not even as a fucking friend.
I knew this was to good to be true.

Here I was. The confident one between us too.

And now the person who made me confident. Broke it.

Broke me.
I haven't even realized the tears falling down my face, as soon as I head a door slam, I booked it.

Oli yelled for my name but I didn't care.

I couldn't. The person I fell for just admitted I meant nothing to him.

Maybe not to me.

But he still admitted it.
Oliver's pov
I'm not sure what's going on between Justin and Darren, and I'm not sure if I want to know.

I don't want to intrude on what's going on with them. In this house I've learned to let them figure it out.

But if it becomes to much, I will break it up.

Darren just ran out the house and I know he heard me because he ran faster once I said something.
I feel like a shit friend for not going after him, but knowing Darren he needs to cool off. The last time I tried to calm him down when he was going off on Kane, it looked like he was going to murder someone.

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