Chapter 13

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That's when it all began, the change for everyone.
Darren and Justin, stood in there room kissing.

A few seconds after Darren leaned in he leaned out, not sure if Justin was okay with it.

Justin was left with a confused yet sad feeling.

Why did he stop? Did he not like it? Why did he kiss me in the first place? Why do I want to kiss him again?
Meanwhile in Seb and Ryan's room
"Ryan?" Seb asked, shutting the door as he walked towards the shower

"Yea!" Ryan yelled from the shower

"Um can I ask u something?"

Seb slowly walked towards the shower door, facing the opposite way of it

"Sure" Ryan replied

"Why do u let me near you?"

"Like why do u let me close to you and cuddle you when u don't like people touching you? And why do you let me flirt with you? U hate when Darren is sus with u... a-a-and I think you flirt back with me?-"

The water turns off, causing Seb to stop speaking. He took a gulp as he realized where he was. Seb was never shy around Ryan. In fact he seemed to be the one to make Ryan shy on camera all the time, but when off camera it was like Ryan was more comfortable making seb nervous, no one ever sees it but he does. No one would think seb would get nervous around Ryan, they'd think it's the other way around because of how seb flirts, but Off camera Ryan ends up being the one to flirt, the one to make seb nervous.

Who woulda thought
The glass shower door slowly opened. Seb couldn't see it but Ryan was smirking.


Ryan wrapped the towel over his waist, as his v line was showing.

With seb facing the other way

"U- u- uhm actually I'll leave u alone to get changed s-sorry" Seb said, stuttering in between his words as he thought of what Ryan looked like.

As seb started to walk towards the door Ryan grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards him.

Since Ryan was a little smaller then seb but almost the same height, he looked up slightly.

"Where are you going? I thought u wanted answers?" Ryan replied, smirking.

Ryan was shocked at what he was saying. He didn't no how to explain it, he was so confident with seb, why?

"I... I don't anymore it's okay"

"We'll I was gonna give them to you."

Seb gulped as Ryan said that.

"I let you in because your easy to let in, your comfortable to sleep with at night, idc that your flirt with me because I flirt with u back, and it's funny seeing those reactions you have with me. I don't know why u have the reactions but there funny.

"W-what reactions?" Seb asked, his face getting red. Could Ryan have figured out sebs feelings for him?

"These reactions" Ryan pulled sebs face down a little, a smirk appearing on his face as sebs face grew red, as his breathing quickened.

"What's wrong seb? Am i making you nervous?" Ryan replied, a slight grin appearing on his face.

"I" Seb wasn't going to let Ryan see him this way, seb was dominant just as Ryan was.

Seb walked out the door, and stood outside it. Trying to come up with a plan on how to make Ryan nervous, the way he makes him.

As seb left Ryan chuckled. He put his boxers and his sweat pants on, but kept his shirt off, his v line still showing, just to tease seb.

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