Chapter 20

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Previously on Sebryan
After hearing Justin moan Darren's name, I let my curiosity get the best of me

And let's just say

I wish I didn't
And now on sebryan
Sebs pov
"What the fu-"
I was prepared to ask what the fuck was going on in here, but it seems my question had been answered, before I even asked it

There they were

Darren And Justin on there bed, all while Darren gave Justin hickeys

Since when we're they gay? Why didn't they tell us? Did they think we would judge them? That I would judge them?
"It's not what u think!" Justin yelled as I shut the door, slowly walking toward them

Truth be told I was happy

Happy that I wasn't the only one who is gay in the house

There lucky, they have one another, I'm happy for them but i couldn't help but think

What if that was me and Ryan?

But who am I kidding

Ryan hates me, he says it all the time

And latley he has been showing it. A lot.
"What I think is that u both are gay, and like eachother but didn't tell us because u didn't trust any of us" I replied, crossing my arms as I did my signature eye brow arch

"He's lying, we were doing something" Darren said, a slight smirk appeared on his face, as he stared at Justin, all while just stood there with a slight smile, as a Blush appeared on his face

"Your right, we're gay, we like eachother. But your wrong on the last part." Darren replied

"Yea.... It's not that we didn't trust u, it's that this just happened. I didn't know Darren liked me, and he didn't no I liked him. And yea... I was questioning if u guys would be excepting, but ik you all love us, and if u love us enough u wouldn't care, that is if u aren't homophobic" Justin explained

"What no! I'm not I swear! I was just curious, I don't think the guys would mind either"

"Yea we'll... can u sorta, not tell them yet?" Justin asked

"What Justin means is, we wanna tell them when we're ready" Darren replied, pulling Justin's waist towards his stomach

"Yea of course! I understand"

"And by the way... im happy for u guys"

"Thanks" they both replied at the same time, smiles all over there face, but for some reason it faded, as they looked at me

"What's wrong?"

"We could as u the same thing" Darren replied

"What do u mean?"

There's nothing wrong with me, right?

"Seb, I know ur happy for us but.. u- you seem down"  Justin replied

"You no u can talk to us right? Everyone in this house is here for u" Darren stepped in

"Not Ryan"

"Ah, so this is about Ryan" Justin replied, a smile appearing on his face as he said that

Fuck. I said that out loud? I seriously thought I said that in my head. Fucking Ryan. Fuck u Ryan for always clouding my mind!

"Sit" Darren said, this time he sounded like he was ordering me to, and to be honest, I wasn't going to say no

I need to talk to someone about this

And who else then the only people dating in this house to go to advice for

"What's going on with Ryan" Justin asked
Ryan's pov
After seb stormed out, I couldn't help but blame myself.

He is right, I shouldn't ignore him, he did nothing wrong

I know I have the right to think about my feelings, but he also has the right to no why I'm ignoring him
After finally agreeing and coming to terms with myself, I decided to look for seb

As I was about to go downstairs I heard my name

Me being me, I needed to no why my name was mentioned

Surprisingly, my name was said by no other then Justin

Why was he saying my name?

And that's when I heard him

Sebastian Moy.
Sebs Pov
"What do you mean? Nothings going on I don't know what your talking about" I replied, all while scratching the back of my neck like I usually do when I'm nervous

"Seb, you just said the problem that bothering you is Ryan. Don't think no one else sees the way you too look at eachother."

Justin replied, a smile appearing on his face as he said the last part

"Yea we're not stupid, you guys are fuckin In love" Darren added

After hearing those words, I couldn't help but realize the sad part, which indeed was the truth

I was inlove with Ryan, I still am

But the problem is he doesn't love me back

I couldn't help but scoff at the words Darren said, it wasn't on purpose but more so an instinct

"What?" Justin asked

"Nothing, it's just I doubt Ryan loves me" I replied, blankly as ever of course

If I'm gonna spill my heart out, I'm not gonna let them see how broken I am because of it

"Are u stupid?! Do u not see the way he looks at you! The way he smiles at you! Y'all cuddled! Ryan doesn't let anyone touch him! Anyone!" Darren yelled, and of course, with his little had motions involved

"Calm down" Justin sighed


"I thought he liked me for a second. I mean every time I would go near him I'd get butterflies, I still do. He also knew what he was doing to me, he flirted with me, got mad at me for I think dancing with you, and cuddled with me. He even kissed me back."

"You kissed!!!" Darren yelled once the fuck again

"Not to queit make sure the whole house hears you babe" Justin commented in a sarcastic tone

"Jeez my fault" Darren replied, as his hands went up like he was innocent

"Yea, well I kissed him, but he kissed back"

"But ever since the kiss he hasn't talked to me. He's ignored me all week, I've tried talking to him multiple times about the kiss about anything, and he either shrugs it off, replies with a yes or no, or ignores me"

"Oh.... Maybe he is just trying to figure everything out" Justin replied.

I know Justin knows Ryan best, he's his bestfriend so of course he would.
But I also no Ryan well enough to No it can't just be him figuring it out. Something else is going on.

"Don't you get it?! He hates me! He fucking played me! He knew how I felt for him! He knew I was catching feelings and he played along! But when things got to real he left! He never fucking liked me! He used me as his fucking play thing! I meant nothing to him."
I cried

After letting that out, I couldn't help but cry

The tears in my eyes has finally fallen, as I had let the words that have been replaying in my mind, telling me how stupid I am out.

It hurts, it really fucking hurts.

And what sucks is I still love him

And I can't help it.

I fell for Ryan Nyugun, and he played me
End of chapter

Bye babes! Have a great day,morning, or night!

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