Chapter 30

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The 9 am meeting
Tylers Pov
Justin walked down shortly after Darren with a seemingly large blanket around him

Shortly after regie came down with a smirk as Oliver followed with a pillow around his area

Shortly after Ryan came down amused for some reason, as seb came down red as ever with his Squishmellow covering his area

It took me a second to realize, but all the doms where smiling while the subs where blushing and covering something

"Jesus really guys" i said, face palming myself as everyone sat down

Some laughed while others became red

They really can't keep that dick in there pants can they
Everything began to run smoothly as we talked about the plans for the week

That was until bae and Angel came running down with messy hair and over sized shirts and shorts

Now it could be cause they just woke up with messy hair

Or it could be that Angel and bae fucked.

And I swear to fucking god if it was the second Angel is going to be in a ducking ditch
"Why the fuck is your hair messy" I said

Everyone looked at me confused except for bae and Kane

"I just woke up dumbass, not sure why you give a shit anyway" bae replied

Fuck he is hot when he's mad

"The fuck does that mean?" I replied, everyone was now staring at me then bae, as we both began to argue

"Oh I don't know maybe because you ignore me when we're with everyone then talk to me when we're alone?!"

"I talked to you last night!, and infront of Angel!"

"Because you wanted to no who I was talking about! And we were alone last night u idiot!"

"If I'm that embarrassing then just fucking say that ty!" He yelled

"Your not u dumbass!"

"Then why the fuck do u ignore me!"

"Because I need to stay away from you!"


"Because I can't fall harder for you then I already have!" I replied


I said that Infront of everyone

Maybe it's a good thing

They need to no the truth

I can't loose bae more then I already have

"What?" He asked, his voice began to shy down as he looked at me a little red

"I fell for u bae, but I thought I couldn't date you because of my priorities as a manager. But last night after hearing what regie said to Oli I realized I couldn't lose you... I fuckin love u" I replied, I was now infront of bae lifting his face up towards me waiting for a response

I know Oli and regie where probaly confused on how I know what they talked about but at this moment I didn't care

The only thing I care about him right now
I could hear footsteps, as they disappeared

I'm assuming the guys walked away to give us our space, I truley hope that they support us
"How could u love me then ignore me. You hurt me ty. I liked you. I seriously liked you and then all of a sudden u ignore me? Why?" He asked, his voice started to sound sad but some what angry

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