Chapter 6

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The following morning, everyone had woken up. It was time for the 9am meeting everyone was downstairs.
Nobody's pov

Manager ty had a conflicting look on his face. Everyone was waiting for him to start the meeting, nervously looking at eachother not sure on what to expect.

"So, I'm not sure how to start this meeting off but I would just like to tell u. After we posted the video from last night. People started shipping u all with a member. I'm not sure how long this will last or what is going to happen. But as of right now where going to act like we usually do got it?"

"Wait what? Who's being shipped?" Kane asked


"Ty who's being shipped?" Oli asked politely

Manager ty sighed, he didn't want this to make everyone's friendships awkward, expeshilly because the people who were being shipped were close and happened to be roommates

"Oli your being shipped with regie..."

Oli looked down with a small blush not wanting anyone to realize. While regie looked at Oli, he was confused on weather or not Oli was okay with that or didn't want to be shipped with him so he stayed silent.

"Justin your being shipped with Darren..."

"W-what?" Justin said

Darren looked at Justin confused on why he stuttered and had a faint blush on his face

"Are u blushing cuh?" Regie asked with a slight smirk

"W-what no u dumbass I'm just shocked"

After Darren heard that he put his head down a little, for some reason he felt sad after hearing that. Which was odd because Darren is usually dominant in situations like these.

"And lastly.... Uhm..."

Ty didn't no how the last two would react, seeing as Ryan and seb had just started getting closer.

"Ryan your um... your being shipped with seb..."

Everyone turned to Ryan and seb completely shocked, expeshilly since Ryan never acted sus like the rest of the boys.

Ryan and seb quickly looked at eachother. They kept each others contact until they realized everyone was looking at them.

"Oh..." Seb said scratching the back of his neck nervously. Oli caught on, knowing his brother does that when he is nervous he knew he was going to talk to seb later"

Ryan just looked at everyone and stayed silent not sure on what to do or say. For some reason he was a little happy and had this feeling in his stomach he couldn't explain. He quickly brushed it off.

Later on everyone started playing games. Some went on live on ig and others on twitch and discord. Everyone got comments about the ships but they chose to ignore it not sure on what Ty would be okay with them saying.

It was now night time, and everyone was falling asleep. Seb got a notification while Ryan was in the shower. He was mentioned in a tik tok and seen that Ryan was as well. Seb opened it and watched as it was an edit of Ryan and seb, from where he posted that Instagram picture to where him and Ryan where handcuffed yesterday.

Seb smiled, he wasn't sure why but he couldn't contain it. The bathroom door opened and seb quickly turned off his phone.

"Whatcha looking at?" Ryan asked

"N-nothing" Seb said scratching his neck once again

"You scratch your neck a lot when we talk you know that?"

"I do?"


Seb didn't realize until now but Ryan was complete shirtless. His hair was wet and he was in grey sweatpants. Seb couldn't help but stare


No answer


No answer

Ryan walked up to seb to the point where he was right infront of him look down at him, since seb was on the bed

"What? Uh sorry what where u saying?" Seb responded, with a slight blush appearing on his face.

"Are u okay? U keep zoning out and your getting red"

"Uhm.. y-yea I'm fine"


Seb looked at Ryan's lips as he responded. Ryan noticed but quickly turned around realized how seb was making him feel. He quickly put a shirt on and layed on the bed getting ready to go asleep.

He checked his phone and seen that him and seb where tagged in something. The edit. Ryan watched it and instantly felt the butterflies again. But once again he brushed it off not wanting to or knowing what he is feeling.

"Goodnight ry"  Seb said with a sleepy voice

"Goodnight sebby" Ryan said not realizing what he called seb.

Seb smiled hearing him call him that.

Both the boys went to sleep. Later on in the night they ended up cuddling like usual.

Both boys are getting butterflies what does that mean? Why did the others blush at on another?

I would like to say I do see your guys comments but I can't comment on them because I need to hit yes on my email, but the thing is my email is on a tablet that I cannot find, and I can't use this because I don't have my email on this phone because it is my dads old phone. Ik that sounds like a made up story but I pinky promise it isn't! That's a leagly binding contract a pinky promise shall never be broken if u break it your just straight up a monster.

Anyways thank u so much for the comments I love reading them.

Ik this was not the best episode but I really wanted to write something for u guys. The next chapter will have a lot of povs.

Bye babes!

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