Chapter 31

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Smut part is coming on now, it is where we left off with seb and Ryan
Ryan had pushed seb onto the bed as sebs legs were wrapped around his small waist

The black haired Boy yearned for the touch of his prince

All day it's been teasing, most of the year actually

And now Ryan's actually doing something about it

Seb couldn't be more happier

Ryan slowly started kissing down sebs neck leaving small hickeys around his jawline, and neck structure

Seb had never felt the touch of anyone like this let alone a man, both him and Ryan knew this

But it was new for both of them, so who no to share there first time with them the one you love?

Ryan new seb liked dominance and it was a good thing

Cause Ryan did not plan on being any less than that

Ryan slowly began to speed up his pace as he kissed harder, moving down towards sebs chest

His finger playing with one of sebs nipples as seb let out a soft gasp

This only made Ryan more happy knowing just a small touch could please his man

Sebs pov
Ryan began twirling his tounge around my left nipple as he played with the other

I've never had sex let alone with a man

I've always wondered what it would feel like, if it would hurt

But god it feels amazing, he truely knows how to make me feel good

I didn't mean to but, as Ryan began to suck on the left nipple of mine I left out a moan

Little did I know this would make him hornier then before

He looked up at me with a slight smirk as he starting crawling towards my face as his was now only inches apart

Fuck I wanna kiss him so bad

"Did I say you could moan baby?" He asked, a seductive voice with a small rasp coming out as he did

Could he get any fucking hotter
"No..." I replied, taking a small gulp knowing how hard I am, and how red my face could be right now

"Ahh someone horny" He said as he smiled at me

Fuck he can feel it!


Before I could get a word out he interrupted me

"Shh. No moaning until I say you can baby, if I hear a moan there will be a punishment" he whispered in my ear, with his seductive tone in voice making me crave him even more  then I was before

"With your concent of course" he added

Look at my man, making sure I'm comfortable

"I-I u-"  was all I could get out before he put his finger on my lip as he trailed his other hand down my stomach making small swirls around it

Without realizing goosebumps formed, as his soft touch gave me butterflies

" safe word" he asked yet someone he still sounded demanding

It's it weird that I like that?

"Gummy bears?" I replied, a questioning look not sure if it's a good safe word or not

Before I could think about my stupid choice of words, he chuckled

Letting out a deep husk, as he looked at me with a smile

"Your fucking adorable" he replied

"Then fuck me"

"What's the magic word?" He asked, a side smirk appearing as he did


"Please what"

"Pretty please? "

"Not that doesn't do sorry baby" he said slowly moving down as he stopped swirling his fingers around my stomach

"Ugh fuck me ryan!' I yelled

Not realizing that I just woke up his dominance

Fuck I'm gonna enjoy this

"What's my name baby?" He asked his hand on my neck gently making sure he wouldn't hurt me as he whispered in my ear

"Ryan..." I whispered

"What is it?" He asked

Fucking he'll just fuck me already

"Ryan!" I yelled

"Wrong answer"

He replied as he moved in closer kissing my neck more and more

As I began to wrap my hands around his neck he began to stop

"Don't stopppp" I complained

"What's my name baby" he asked once again

"Daddy, now stop fucking teasing me and fuck me!!!!" I yelled, letting my sexual frustration out

"Your wish is my command" he replied as he starting going down to my stomach placing soft kisses

My pants started to go down, as my v line began to show

Some soft and hard kisses making it's way around it

I was now fully in my boxers waiting for him to fuck me
End of chapter


Anyways tomorrow is the last chapter I decided I want to make it even chapters and I'm seriously tired

Let me know if u want me to continue the smut starting off with the story or just end it there and cut to where the end of the story is babes!


I hope u all had an amazing holiday!
Thank u for supporting my story, you all are the reason I keep writing

I could never finish a story thet I wrote, bait after joining Wattpad and seeing your comments it let me no that I was doing something, I just hope one day I can reply

U all make my day when I read ur comments thank u
Have a good morning, night, or day!
Bye babes! Merry Christmas

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