Chapter 10

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It was the next day.
In Seb and Ryan's room
Ryan's arm was wrapped around seb, as if he was protecting him from anything coming. Ryan was still asleep, while seb was slowly waking up.
Seb wasn't sure how to get out of Ryan's hold, but he knew he needed to think, he had to talk to Ryan he just wasn't sure how to. His mind was still questioning everything that happened yesterday. Why was Ryan so mad? Is it his fault. I know we made up but I can't help but think once he wakes up he will be mad at me or hate me, does he hate me? Seb thought.

Seb had gotten out of Ryan's hold, his thoughts overwhelming him as he sat up on the bed staring at the wall. Seb hadnt realized Ryan slowly waking up. Ryan had felt there was no presence of sebastion Moy under him.

Ryan slowly began to move, rubbing his eyes and sitting up. Seb hadn't noticed as he was lost in his thoughts overthinking. Everyone always thinks Ryan is the biggest over thinker in the group because he is shy, but that's not always the case. Yes seb may be more social, but that doesn't mean his anxiety doesn't act up. Not a lot of people seem to notice as he usually hides it.

Ryan noticed tho. Ryan noticed everything about seb even before they were roommates.

"Seb?" Ryan said, his sleepy voice was still there but a small rasp had come out as well.

Both seb and Ryan were now sitting up on the edge of the bed.

"Hm?" Seb replied, still staring at the wall

"U okay? Why are u staring at the wall?"

"Mhm, I'm fine"

"Seb, what's wrong?" Ryan replied, his hand on his shoulder, taking seb out of his trance.

"I- nothings wrong Ryan I'm fine" Seb replied, avoiding Ryan's eyes, as he looks at the hand on his shoulder.

"Really, because u just called me Ryan, latley u have been calling me ry, u don't have to tell me but I'm here, I don't like seeing u sad seb."

Seb was taken back at that, he never knew Ryan noticed, he never noticed how he called Ryan ry, he didn't think Ryan cared as much as he was showing at the moment.

Seb knew he has to get his thoughts off his chest or else he will always overthink about Ryan, and that's the last thing he wanted.

Seb sighed

"Do u hate me?" Seb asked, his eyes filled with sadness as he looked into Ryan's.

"What? Why would I hate u? Why would u think that?"

Ryan was hurt that seb thought that. how could I ever hate him why does he think that? Ryan thought

"It's just u were mad at me yesterday and I'm still not sure why, and I can't help but think that u hate me, that u only put up with me because u have to. Because.... Because I'm your roommate..." Seb replied, now fidgeting with his fingers

Ryan's heart ached at the thoughts seb had. He could never hate seb even if he tried, he could never stay mad at him no matter how pissed off he got, he could never stay away from sebastion Moy for to long, because that's the affect he had on him. He never meant to hurt seb, he wanted to tell him everything but he knew seb didn't feel the way Ryan felt, Ryan doesn't even know what he feels, but he knows that he could never tell seb the reason he was mad, because if he did he would have to figure out what he felt for seb, and he wasn't ready for that.
"Seb I don't hate u, I could never hate you, I was just mad yesterday it was just one of them days. I'm sorry for taking it out on u, I guess I'm not use to people always coming to me when I'm mad, they usually no when to stay away, and I should've told u to stay away more, or told u it wasn't your fault... I'm sorry seb I didn't mean to hurt u." Ryan replied, speaking from his heart, if only he could tell seb what his whole heart felt....,something not even Ryan knew he felt.

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