Chapter 11

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The door had slammed
Darren was in his and Justin's room, pissed at what he saw. How could Justin sit on Kane? Why of all people did he go to kane?! Why did kane let it happen didnt he know that Darren li-
Darren's thoughts had been interrupted.

Justin opened the door and quickly shut it. As soon as Darren saw Justin his blood began to boil even more. He knew he had no right to be angry but why couldn't he. Justin was mad about him and kane being shipped, so why couldnt he be mad about Justin and Kane.

"What's wrong with u? Did I do something?" Justin asked, walking towards Darren thinking nothing of it.

"No. Just leave me alone Justin." Darren replied, he knew deep down he had no right, and he didn't want to fight with Justin again.

"Is it because I rolled my eyes at u and ran? I didn't mean to role my eyes Darren it's not that big of a deal" Justin joked, he didn't realize Darren was actually pissed.

"Bro, leave me alone." Darren replied, as he walked into the bathroom to wash his face with water, trying to clear his mind from overthinking.

It was then that he realized Darren was pissed, but why? Justin didn't want to fight with Darren.

Without realizing Justin followed Darren in the bathroom, watching him wash his face with water.

Darren looked up from the mirror, water dripping from his face, some of his hair wet .

Justin couldn't help but think about how attractive he looked in the moment. His thoughts were quickly interrupted by a annoyed Darren.

"Why are u In here." Darren said bluntly

"Because it's my room to."

"I mean the bathroom Justin." Darren replied

"what?" Justin replied, he hadn't noticed the surroundings they were in even if Darren's hair was wet.

"Darren why are u mad? What did I do?" Justin replied, his voice getting sadder and eyes getting wider.

"I told u nothing." Darren replied, he couldn't look at Justin that way, knowing he's the one he caused it.

"Darren I don't wanna fight with u, pls just tell me what's wrong."

"Justin leave me the hell alone." Darren replied

"Fine. I'll be downstairs if u wanna talk." Justin replied, he quickly left leaving Darren filled with guilt.

He knew Justin felt the way Darren felt when they fought before. He didn't want to be a ass but he couldn't help it, he couldn't get that sight out of his mind.

Darren was brought out of his thought once he heard a knock on the door.

Before he could answer the door was shut, causing Darren to turn around.

"What do U want" Darren replied blunt as fuck this time

"Darren you can't be mad at Justin, he didn't mean to upset you and he doesn't know how you feel"  Kane replied

"And how do I feel." Darren replied, rolling his eyes annoyed with Kane.

"You like him. I'm not stupid Darren. I can see it from a mile away, it's obvious everyone else is to blinded to see because there caught in there own world. I saw what happened this morning and I heard u and Justin when u argued, and saw u leaning over him flirting. I'm not dumb. Justin didn't know so don't be mad at him, he was just worried about what u we're gonna punish him with for rolling your eyes."

"How did u know?" Darren replied confused

"like I said I hear and see everything" Kane replied, a smirk appearing on his face.

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