one 1 : the office guy

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It was a bad start to the morning, first you got up late, and missed the bus. Then you alighted one stop too early and had to walk in your new shoes that wasn't seasoned. Things didn't help that you had to orientate your new colleague while settling the backlog of work that piled up over the weekend.

Looking down at your blistered heel, you mentally scolded yourself for making such a stupid and impulsive purchase on those $20 pumps that were good for nothing.

"Mandy? Are you listening?" you felt a nudge that awoke you to your senses.

"Uh, yes." You quickly responded. You looked over your shoulder and saw that it was your colleague, Mark, who gave you a nudge in your side. 

He mouthed a 'OUCH' and pointed to your feet, seeing that they were red and blistered.

Your boss always made you guys stand up for the morning meetings and having arrived last, you fit yourself inconspicuously at the back, but that didn't stop him from noticing your late arrival. 

Up in front, you see another dude, looking really cocky with sharp eyes and red lips. But you couldn't help but think he was quite hot in the crisp shirt and pants. You could see he was quite built around the arms and was rather fit despite his small stature.

As the meeting was dismissed, you walked to your desk absent-mindedly, thinking about the things you had to do for the day.

Turning to you, your colleague Mark handed 2 pieces of plasters to you.

Surprised that he would have them, you gave him a weak smile.

"Hey girl, what's with the long face bright and early in the morning?" he plopped himself by the side of your desk.

"Don't ask. These shoes are killing me!" you angrily tugged at them and carefully placed the plasters over your wound.

"You've got company~ Hello, I'm your new colleague, Jackson Wang." A bright and cheery voice spoke and caught your attention.

Stretching out his hand, he shook Mark's. " Sup, I'm Mark. "

To his surprise, they both chest-bumped as if it were choreographed.

"Woh, that's sweet bro!" Jackson smiled even more brightly to know Mark was 'one of his kind'. "... and you should be Mandy, am I right?" 

Remembering that you were supposed to orientate the new dude and it probably was this hot guy, you quickly stood up from your seat and outstretched your hand in a proper manner. 

"I'm sorry, and yes you must be waiting for the orientation, if you could just... give me a minute..." you awkwardly shifted in your shoes to make sure the plaster fit right into the heel of your shoes before walking.

"Oh hey, hey! Chill alright? You guys wanna grab some coffee or something first? Please allow me." Jackson said, with a hand on his chest, and an eager look on his face.

"Cool, make that 2 iced americanos dude." Mark flashed him a smile and outstretched his hand again, this time the hip hop style palms up ready to chest bump Jackson again.

"Gee, you guys sure are chummy from the start huh..." you sat back down, seeing that they were already comfortable with each other.

"I'll be right back!" the new dude gave you a wink and a smile before turning swiftly to strut out of the office.

"Gosh, just what was that? Who on earth winks on his first day at work... this guy has really got some screws loose up there... didn't you see that?" you asked Mark, who sat beside you and was now seated at his own desk, a metre apart from you.

"He's your style isn't it? Go get it girrrrrl !!" He punched the air and made a scrunched up face.

"Oh please Mark, the last thing I need is office romance with a mad head that think's he's the coolest man on earth." you retorted and started searching for another pair of shoes you might have stashed away inside your drawer.

Bent over and head under the desk, all that was peaking out from your workstation was your butt, tautly held by your pencil skirt which was thankfully very elastic. As you emerged from under the table, you bopped your head on the ledge with a loud thud that made Mark swivel over to you.

"Woh, take it easy, that must've hurt real bad." he put his hand at the back of your head as you winced silently in pain and rubbed it quickly like a grandpa.

"Kwenchana-yo?" You recognized the voice as Jackson's as he returned with 2 cups of coffee in his hand.

"Thanks bro!" Mark took his and happily sipped away, leaving you to continue wincing in silence gritting your teeth trying to numb away the pain.

"Stay still, it's gonna hurt a little bit more alright." before you could look up to react, your vision was totally covered and you felt a firm and warm hand suddenly hold your head, giving the bruise a hard rub that totally messed your hairdo to no ends. But it was much too pain for that to matter and you wanted to scream out loud. Covering your mouth with your hands to mute it, you realised Jackson had pressed your forehead against his chest and gave the back of your head a massage with both hands. 

Mark on the other hand could only watch in shock at the rather inappropriate gesture the new colleague took, and just how ridiculous both of you were - Jackson, standing in front of your desk, and you seated on your chair, turned to face him but your head somewhat buried in his chest, and bopping up and down from the pressure that he was using to ease the bruise.

Thankfully for you, because both you and Mark were seniors, you both shared the cubicle to yourselves with some privacy from the other parts of the office. 

"OK - that should do the trick!" Jackson released your head from his grip and smoothed the back of your hair where he made a mess of.

Composing yourself, you looked at him and saw that there was a bead of sweat trickling down from his sideburn. "Umm, thanks .... for that... you really didn't have to...." you felt your skin go warm all of a sudden, as you imagined the closeness for the short 5 seconds that you had with this stranger, the strong fresh scent of his cologne still lingering in your nose. 

You were blushing red by now and quite embarrassingly didn't know how to carry out this orientation, at the rate things were going, this dude was totally not how you imagined it to be. 

"I thought the table collapsed as I came over after hearing such a loud bang, it must have been a really bad hit. Do you wanna take a rest for abit? I'll be just over there whenever you need me." Jackson pointed to the opposite corner where an empty table was directly in your line of sight.

"So that's your desk? Hey, no it's okay, let's just go now and get it over and done with." You bounced back on your feet wanting to just start the day right. To your horror, you completely lost your balance and fell straight into Jackson's arms that once again caught you unaware, this time much closer to his face that before.

"OMG OMG OMG" you heard yourself mutter under your breath as you tried to regain your balance.

"Look, I really think she needs to lie down for a bit. Do you think you can bring her over to the nurse office? It's down a flight of stairs from the back door at the pantry." Mark unashamedly did not offer to bring you despite of knowing that the new guy would have no directional sense of the building. 

"Yeah bro, my thoughts too. Okay lady, sorry but I'm gonna have to bring you around before you do, if that's okay with you............." without batting an eyelid, he threw your arm over his muscular shoulders, and scooped you up in his arms, bridal style. 

"Call me if you need help!" Mark hollered into the pantry, as Jackson the new guy started his first day at work - totally freestyle.

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