four 4 : the hot pursuit

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It was such a tiring day at work again and you decided to give yourself a break and head out 10mins before the official knock off time. Packing your bags at your desk you yawned and let out an audible sigh as you zipped the last file in.

"Are you leaving already?" Your Co worker Mark who shared the cubicle with you turned around after hearing your sigh.

"Uh.. yea I was kinda thinking to.. if you don't mind.." you shyly stood up holding your bag.

"Well sure, go ahead. You look dead beat. Everything okay?" He asked with a look of concern written all over his face. He too looked tired with a tie loosened and shirt unbuttoned.

You smiled and patted him on the shoulder "Yea this project is killing us softly. You look almost depleted too, don't work too late today alright?"

As you headed out the back door to exit by the stairs you saw Jackson at the pantry staring into space.

"Hey." You crept up behind him and startled him so bad he screeched like a mouse.

"AHHHH don't do that!" He snapped immediately with a frown and stared straight at you.

Taken aback at his sudden change in attitude you froze a little before blinking back to your senses that he was your subordinate.

"Oh sorry sorry I didn't mean to snap at you I was just...." he quickly apologised again with a frown on his face but this time with a sorry and worried tone in his voice.

"It's ok it was my bad to give you a shock." You smiled and was about to say bye.

"Do you want a lift home? You don't look too well. I drove today!" He offered sweetly.

"Nah, thanks. See ya around... " you quickly disappeared down the stairs feeling burdened at his concern.

Since the day Jackson joined your team, he had been quite the talk of the town. Female colleagues would ogle at him while male subordinates loved to hang out with him. The last thing you'd want was to be misunderstood for dating a coworker.

As you slowed down your pace to catch your breath you noticed a slight commotion at the lobby. There stood a man holding a bouquet of flowers unable to enter as security didn't let him. But what caused the commotion was the group of ladies that were giggling in pairs and groups from each corner while snapping photos of the man while admiring him from afar.

As you came out from the side gate you recognised him to be your old classmate, Jaebum.

"Hey dude what brings you here?" You call out to him.

"The security wouldn't let me up to deliver my flowers." He said with a wry smile.

"Oh which dept are you headed to? I'll just —- "

You were cut off from finishing your sentence as he shoved the bouquet right under your nose as he leaned forward as if to peck your cheek.

The girls from the corners of the building let out a squeal while you froze at your spot confused at the situation.

JB whispered at the side of your ear, "If I knew it would be like this I'd come with a bigger bouquet, sorry babe." Still holding out the bouquet to you, he urged you to hold it.

"What .. you mean you came here for me? How did you..know I.... " you were already dizzy to begin with and the whole situation just made it a whirlwind in your head.

"I have your card.. Remember? Anyway let's get out of here now that you're off work. Cmon." He took you by the waist to the envy of the ladies.

Holding the bouquet you were ushered all the way to his car and driven off in a jiffy.

After some moments of collecting yourself you realised that you were just publicly pursued by a celebrity. "JB.. you..."

"Yes. I did." He said without even hearing what you wanted to say.

"You don't even know what I was gonna say." You frowned and turned to look at him.

"I don't have to, I already know." He laughed. "You're gonna say that I embarrassed you at your work place and now everyone's gonna talk about it cos they recognised me isn't it?"

Dumbfounded, "well........aside from that.... you..."

"I must have startled you quite a bit huh. Sorry for that... and sorry for not keeping in touch after the dinner. I had to fly off and I just got back this morning. The long flight got me thinking and so here I am."

Rather puzzled by that you asked him "thinking? I don't get you."

"Yup. I've decided. I want to be your boyfriend." He announced as he pulled up into the driveway of his own house.

"You WHAT?????" Shocked beyond words you were completely awaken and brought back to your senses instantly. It wasn't about being too good to be true but rather too abruptly random and ridiculous since you had just met him for the first time in years last week and there was hardly any romantic exchange to lead up to this, as far as you could remember.

"Oh please JB you're kidding." You put down the flowers and got out of his car.

He hurriedly chased after you, still smiling. "Hey hey! What makes you think I'm kidding?"

"Well if you're not then you've gotta be seriously fooling around. Look. I'm just gonna head home and pretend this didn't happen okay?"

Just then the dizziness came over you and you wobbled a little.

"Woah watch it!" He caught you before you could lose your footing and held you in his arms. "I'll get you a drink come on in"

Without a word he picked you up in his arms and went straight into his house.

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